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  【摘 要】 目的:通过调查湛江市农村基层中医适宜技术服务能力与现状,探讨开展农村基层中医适宜技术专业培训的紧迫性和必要性。方法:结合粤西地区农村基层医务人员从业情况,采用问卷调查法和访谈法,分阶段对湛江市农村基层医务人员进行调研。结果:已参加基层中医中医药适宜技术培训18人,占16.7%,具有基层中医中医药适宜技术手册15人,占13.9%;未参加基层中医中医药适宜技术培训90人,占83.3%,无基层中医中医药适宜技术手册93人,占86.1%;结论:所有参与本次问卷调查和访谈的医务人员都认为中医适宜技术的推广及培训对工作帮助很大,但是缺乏正规及系统的培训。
  【关键词】 中医 适宜技术 服务能力 现状调查
  【Abstract】 Objective: through the investigation of our city rural grass root TCM appropriate technology service capacity and current situation to carry out rural grassroots Chinese medicine appropriate technology professional training of the urgency and necessity.Methods: on the basis of the western region rural grassroots medical staff working, using a questionnaire survey and interviews, at the stage of investigation in the rural grassroots medical staff work in our city at present. Results: have participated in basic traditional Chinese medicine appropriate technology training 18 people, accounted for 16.7%, with basic traditional Chinese Medicine Appropriate Technology Handbook of 15 people, accounted for 13.9%; did not participate in the basic traditional Chinese medicine appropriate technology training 90 people, accounted for 83.3%, no grass root TCM traditional Chinese Medicine appropriate technical manuals of 93 people, accounting for 86.1%. Conclusion: all participate in the questionnaire survey and interview, the medical staff that traditional Chinese medicine appropriate technology promotion and training are of great help to the work, but the lack of regular and systematic training.
  【Key words】 Chinese medicine; appropriate technology; service ability; investigation
  1 调查对象与方法
  2 调查结果
  2.1 访谈结果
  2.2 问卷调查结果
  2.2.1 基本情况
  在108名农村基层医疗工作人员中,男性72 人,女性36人。年龄最小者20岁,最大者57岁,平均年龄37.7岁。文化程度分布,大学本科6人占5.6%,大专6人占5.6%,中专及以下96人占88.8%。从事医疗工作年限最高40年,最少2年,平均年限14年。
  2.2.2 执业情况