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  Emergency medical treatment doctor flushes the wound new method
  Xue WeiZhong YuexiaHe Qianfeng
  【Abstract】Alsoflushes the wound the method both time-saving and to reduce effort the hydraulic pressure the spate current capacity many to be possible to flush in thoroughly the clean wound the foreign matter. Both saved the injector and to achieve the ideal flushing effect. Handled the patient for doctor also to save the time.
  【Key words】Emergency medical treatment doctor; Wound; New method
  原始冲洗伤口方法: 用注射器反复在消毒液瓶内抽取消毒液冲洗伤口。此种方法步骤较多,反复抽取消毒液既容易污染未用完消毒液又容易将消毒液瓶塞损坏,冲洗伤口时压力和消毒液量均小。 既费时又费力。
  冲洗伤口新方法: 首先收集输液器刺入瓶塞段硬刺头若干,消毒(含氯消毒液)-冲洗(流动清水)-消毒(含氯消毒液)-冲洗(流动清水)-凉干-消毒(高压蒸汽)-储藏冲洗伤口时,直接用无菌镊取一个已消毒的输液器刺入瓶塞段硬刺头直接插入塑瓶消毒冲洗液瓶塞中,充分暴露伤口,刺头段对准伤口距离伤口约20cm用力挤压瓶体冲洗伤口。
