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来源:用户上传      作者:徐致远 李静 林燕

   〔摘要〕 高血压是维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis, MHD)患者常见并发症,对MHD患者的预后及死亡有重大影响。基于经络学说的中医防治MHD高血压的有效性、特色性以及对残余肾功能的特有疗效,中医的整体观念、标本兼治、急则治标、缓则治本等理论在防治MHD高血压方面有着独到、充分的展示,针药并用补肝脾肾、活血化瘀的疗效明显。故本文综述中医基于经络腧穴理论对MHD高血压的辨证论治、治法治则及具体治疗进展,以期为MHD高血压的诊治提供参考。
   〔关键词〕 维持性血液透析;高血压;经络腧穴;辨证论治;治法治则;研究进展
   〔中图分类号〕R241.6;R246 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2021.12.029
  Research Progress on Maintenance Hemodialysis Accompanied with Hypertension Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine with Meridian Theory
  XU Zhiyuan, LI Jing, LIN Yan*
  (First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Clinical Research Center for
  Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Tianjing 300380, China)
  〔Abstract〕 Hypertension is a common complication in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients and has a significant impact on the prognosis and mortality of MHD patients. The effectiveness and characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) based on meridian theory in the prevention and treatment of MHD hypertension, as well as its unique efficacy on residual renal function, the holistic concept of TCM, treating both the symptoms and the root cause, treating the symptoms in an urgent manner and treating the root cause in a slow manner have been uniquely and adequately demonstrated in the prevention and treatment of MHD hypertension, with the use of acupuncture and medicine, tonifying the liver, spleen and kidney, and activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis. Therefore, this paper reviews the identification and treatment of MHD hypertension based on the meridian and acupoint theory, the treatment rules and specific treatment progress in Chinese medicine, in order to provide reference for the diagnosis and treatment of MHD hypertension.
  〔Keywords〕 maintenance hemodialysis; hypertension; meridian and acupoint; syndrome differentiation and treatment; treatment rule; research progress
  高血菏俏持性血液透析(maintenance hemo?
  dialysis, MHD)患者最常见的并发症,MHD患者的高血压患病率高达80%,发病率高是其特点之一[1]。同时,高血压是MHD患者心血管疾病(cardio vascular disease, CVD)发生、发展与死亡的最重要危险因素[2-3],而根据2015年美国肾脏病与透析病人生存质量指导指南(kidney disease outcomes quality initiative, KDOQI)指南,CVD是MHD患者的首要死亡原因,血压控制对降低透析患者的高CVD风险有重要意义[4]。因此,高血压严重影响MHD患者的生存质量与长期生存率,控制血液透析中的血压即成为延缓疾病该进程,提高患者生存质量与长期生存率的重要手段,对MHD高血压患者进行合理的降压治疗十分必要。目前,西医在临床治疗上以合理使用降压药[5-6]为主,视临床具体情况配合采取调整血液透析方案[7]、维持干体质量[8]、肾动脉交感神经消融术[9]、双侧肾脏切除术[10]、髂动静脉吻合术[11]及经皮肾动脉支架植入术[12]等手术方式治疗,取得较好的临床效果,但临床存在部分患者药物依赖性较大且容易引起如高钾血症、下肢的血管神经性水肿、心动过缓、传导阻滞等不良反应等问题。所以,探寻中医治疗MHD高血压的途径,以求中西医结合治疗提高患者治愈率,改善预后,对于临床应用有着十分积极的价值,因此,本文就中医对MHD高血压的认识及治疗综述如下,以供临床参考。
