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来源:用户上传      作者:孟祥佳 龙欣钰 曹帅 刘艳华 Rudoviko Galieya Medison 孙正祥

   摘 要:迎春花(Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl.)是一种既有观赏价值又有药用价值的植物。2021年6月,湖北省荆州市发现了一种可以使迎春花叶片枯萎的真菌病害,其发病Y状与已报道的迎春花病害不完全相同。为分离鉴定该病原菌并为该病害的后续研究和防治提供理论依据,本文采用组织分离和单孢分离法从病叶的病健交界处获得分离物;采用菌丝和孢子悬浮液2种方法接种迎春花进行致病性测定;通过观察致病菌的形态特征和分析其rDNA-ITS和nLSU基因序列相结合的方法确定其分类地位。结果表明,从病组织中共分离获得5株不同的真菌,接种试验发现仅有菌株YC1-1可以使迎春花发病,接种症状与自然发病的症状相同,并能从发病部位再次分离到原接种的菌物。经形态学及分子生物学鉴定,引起迎春花叶枯病的病原菌为Phlebiopsis crassa。这是世界上首次报道Phlebiopsis crassa引起迎春花叶枯病。
   关键词:迎春花;叶枯病;病原菌;鉴定;Phlebiopsis crassa
   中图分类号:S476 文献标志码:A
  Isolation and Identification of a New Pathogen Causing Leaf Blight on Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl
  MENG Xiangjia,LONG Xinyu,CAO Shuai,LIU Yanhua,
  Rudoviko Galieya Medison,SUN Zhengxiang*
  ( College of Agriculture, Yangtze University / Forewarning and Management of
  Agricultural and Forestry Pests, Hubei Engineering Technology Center, Jingzhou,
  Hubei 434025, China)
   Abstract:Winter jasmine is a plant with both ornamental and medicinal value. In June 2021, a fungal disease that caused leaves wilt on winter jasmine was found in Jingzhou city, Hubei province, which symptom is not exactly the same as that has been reported. The study aims to isolate and identify the pathogen and provide theoretical basis for the follow-up research and prevention of the disease. The pathogenic fungi were obtained by tissue isolation and single spore isolation from the junction of diseased leaves. The pathogenicity was determined by inoculating the host plant with mycelium and spore suspension. The taxonomic status of pathogen was determined by observing their morphological characteristics and analyzing their rDNA-ITS and nLSU gene sequences. The results showed that a total of 5 different fungi were isolated from the diseased tissues. The pathogenic test showed that only one strain YC1-1 could cause jasmine leaf wilt, and the symptoms were the same as those of field, and the original inoculated fungi could be re-isolated. Morphological and molecular characteristics showed the pathogen causing jasmine leaf blight was Phlebiopsis crassa. This is the first report of winter jasmine leaf blight caused by Phlebiopsis crassa in the world.
   Key words: Jasminum nudiflorum; leaf blight; pathogen; identification; Phlebiopsis crassa
   迎春花(Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl.) 属于木犀科素馨属落叶灌木,也被称为金腰带、黄素馨,原产于我国甘肃、陕西、四川、云南西北部以及西藏东南部[1]。迎春花因为较易成活、生长较快、耐旱能力较强以及观赏性较高等特点,通常作为景观植物种植在全国乃至世界各地[2]。除此之外,迎春花具有清热解毒的功效,有重大的药用价值[3,4]。2021年6月在湖北省荆州市荆州区长江大学西校区(N 30° 21′,E 112° 8′)进行植物病害调查时发现迎春花出现枝叶枯萎症状,发病率约40 %,严重影响了迎春花的观赏价值与药用价值,并且其发病症状与已报道的迎春花病害不完全相同。因此,分离和鉴定迎春花叶枯病的病原菌,可为该病害的后续研究和防治提供理论依据。目前,国内外对迎春花的研究主要在生理、栽培和提取物方面,如刘芳等[5]试管培养技术使迎春花生根率达到85 %;陈意兰等[6]研究了不同程度干旱胁迫对迎春花叶片丙二醛(MDA) 含量和3种抗氧化酶活性的影响;Gu等[7]对迎春花提取物和热解产物进行鉴定发现多种化合物被广泛应用于医疗、能源和食品工业。目前关于迎春花病害方面的报道相对较少,本研究发现的迎春花叶枯病症状与已报道的迎春花病害不完全相同,推测为一种新病害,分离和鉴定其病原具有重要的研究价值。
