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来源:用户上传      作者:余佳丽 王作阳

  摘要 在新冠肺炎疫情防控常态化阶段,如何拉动农产品内需刺激农业农村发展,已成为政府、市场、农业企业三大主体共同关注的焦点。以湖北省荆门市发放的电子消费券“荆消费”为例,分析疫情防控常态化下消费券对农产品市场供需的影响。结果表明:设计消费券总体贴近民生需求,农产品市场消费增加,对定向行业起到了很好的提振作用,但是疫情引发的国内供需抑制和外需萎缩的巨大冲击,所发消费券不足以应对疫情引发的农业经济下行趋势,尤其是对广大的农业经营主体来说,消费券的发放并不能从根本上保护其运营根基。在此基础上,提出了对政府、农业经营主体、消费者3个方面的政策建议。
  关键词 新冠肺炎疫情;消费券;农产品;市场供给;市场需求
  中图分类号 S-9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2021)24-0209-04
  Analysis of the Impact of Consumer Coupons on the Supply and Demand of Agricultural Products Market under the Normalization of the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic―Taking Jingmen City “Jing Consumption” E-vouchers as an Example
  YU Jia-li1,WANG Zuo-yang2
  (1.School of Economics and Management, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei 448000;2.Finance Bureau of Qujialing District, Jingmen City, Hubei Province, Jingzhou, Hubei 448000)
  Abstract In the normalization stage of epidemic prevention and control, how to stimulate domestic demand for agricultural products to stimulate the development of agriculture and rural areas has become the focus of attention of the three main entities: the government, the market, and agricultural enterprises. This article takes the electronic consumer vouchers “Jing Consumption” issued by Jingmen City, Hubei Province as an example to analyze the impact of consumer vouchers on the supply and demand of agricultural products market under the normalization of heat prevention and control. The results showed that, consumer coupon pan has played a very good role in boosting the targeted industry, but the domestic supply and demand caused by the epidemic has been suppressed and the external demand has been shrinking. The amount of consumer coupons issued is not enough to cope with the downward trend of agricultural economic development triggered by the epidemic, especially for the general public. As far as agricultural business entities are concerned, the issuance of consumer vouchers cannot fundamentally protect the foundation of their operations. On this basis, three policy recommendations were put forward for the government, agricultural business entities, and consumers.
  Key words COVID-19 epidemic situation;Consumer coupons;Agricultural product;Market supply;Market demand
  作者介 余佳丽(1993―),女,湖北宜城人,在读硕士,从事农业经济政策与理论研究。
  收稿日期 2021-04-11
