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来源:用户上传      作者:谢小丽 张予晋 谭瑶 邓玉霞 王军文

   〔摘要〕 基于“冲任失调、伏邪致病”理论探讨女性复发性生殖器疱疹的中医病因病机及治疗,因房事不洁而使外在毒邪藏于体内损伤气血阴阳,日久则冲任失调,其发病具有一定的特殊性和规律性,随月经气血阴阳周期性变化。治疗上,经前期以疏肝清热为主,月经期以行气通经为要,经后期治以益气养血为宜,使冲任调和,机体阴阳气血平衡,为冲任失调所致的皮肤性病诊治提供一定的借鉴意义。
   〔关键词〕 复发性生殖器疱疹;女性;分期论治;冲任失调;调理冲任;伏邪致病
   〔中图分类号〕R271.9 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2022.02.025
  Discussion on the syndrome differentiation and treatment of female recurrent genital
  herpes based on "Chong-Ren disorder and disease caused by Fuxie"
  XIE Xiaoli1, ZHANG Yujin2, TAN Yao1, DENG Yuxia1, WANG Junwen1*
  (1. Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan 410208, China; 2. The Second Affiliated
  Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan 410005, China)
  〔Abstract〕 Based on the theory of "Chong-Ren disorder, disease caused by Fuxie" to explore the pathogenesis and treatment of female recurrent genital herpes in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Due to unclean sexual intercourse, external toxins are hidden in the body and damage Qi, blood, Yin and Yang, over time, it will cause dysregulation of Chong-Ren. Its incidence has a certain particularity and regularity, with menstrual Qi, blood, Yin and Yang periodic changes. In treatment, the pre-menstrual period is mainly to soothe the liver and clear away heat, the menstrual period is mainly to promote Qi and to relieve the menstruation, and the post-menstrual period is to replenish Qi and nourish blood, so that to harmonize Chong-Ren, and balance body's Yin and Yang, Qi and blood. It provides a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of skin and venereal diseases caused by maladjustment of Chong-Ren.
  〔Keywords〕 recurrent genital herpes; female; stages of governance; Chong-Ren disorder; conditioning Chong-Ren; disease caused by Fuxie
  生殖器疹(genital herpes, GH)是由单纯疱疹病毒(herpes simplex virus, HSV)感染泌尿生殖器及肛门部位皮肤黏膜而引起的性传播疾病[1]。2008至2017年中国女性GH发病率呈上升趋势,2017年的女性GH发病率为6.03/10万,年均上升0.13%[2],女性感染率高于男性[3-5]。女性好发于大小阴唇、阴道、宫颈、会阴和阴阜或肛周皮肤黏膜等部位[6]。现阶段,临床治疗以抑制病毒复制的核苷类药物阿昔洛韦及其衍生物更昔洛韦、喷昔洛韦等为主,这些药物虽然能够一定程度上缓解症状、缩短病程,长期应用易产生耐药[7]。各种治疗手段均无法彻底清除体内潜伏感染的HSV,导致该疾病迁延日久,复发性生殖器疱疹(recurrent genital herpes, RGH)是难治的皮肤性病。RGH容易增加感染其他性传播疾病风险[8],严重影响患者的身心健康和生活质量。中医药干预RGH具有减少复发、预防复发、缩短病程、增强机体免疫能力、提高患者生活质量等优势[9-16]。
  1 冲任失调、伏邪致病为主要的发病机制
