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来源:用户上传      作者:代兰兰,丁长青,李绍东

  摘要: “恶性大脑中动脉梗死”为CT及MRI影像学上脑梗死范围>大脑中动脉供血区1/2或MRI的DWI序列图像提示脑梗死体积>145mL,形成明显的水肿、占位效应,导致神经功能的快速恶化,还可发生出血性转化及致命性脑疝,病死率极高。MMI临床表现重,可有多种高危因素,其影像学表现与其病理生理特征相关。CT与MRI目前已成为MMI诊断及预后评价的主要影像学诊断手段,可显示早期影像学特征征象并对其危险因素与疾病进展关系进行预测,对脑水肿及中线移位及出血性转化进行评价并对其预后进行预测及治疗后评价,影像学还可进行鉴别诊断。
  关键词: 恶性大脑中动脉梗死;影像学征象;体层摄影术,X线计算机;磁共振成像
  中图分类号:R445.2;R445.3 文献标识码:B DOI:10?郾3969/j.issn.1001-0270.2022.01.02
  Application Progress of CT and MRI in Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction
  DAI Lan-lan1, DING Chang-qing(Corresponding author)1, LI Shao-dong2
  (1. Department of Imaging, Fengxian Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University (Fengxian People's Hospital), Jiangsu 221700, China; 2. Department of Imaging, Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Jiangsu 221002, China)
  Abstract: “Malignant middle cerebral artery infarction”(MMI) refers to the cerebral infarction area on CT and MRI imaging>1/2 of the blood supply area of the middle cerebral artery or the volume of cerebral infarction is >145 mL on MRI DWI sequence images. Obvious edema and space-occupying effect lead to rapid deterioration of nerve function, hemorrhagic transformation and fatal brain herniation, and the mortality rate is extremely high. The clinical manifestations of MMI are severe and may have a variety of high-risk factors, and its imaging manifestations are related to its pathophysiological characteristics. CT and MRI have become the main imaging diagnostic methods for MMI diagnosis and prognostic evaluation. They can show early imaging characteristics and predict the relationship between risk factors and disease progression, and evaluate brain edema, midline shift, hemorrhagic transformation, prediction of prognosis and post-treatment evaluation, and they can also be used for differential diagnosis.
  Key words: Malignant middle cerebral artery infarction; Imaging signs; Tomography, X-ray computer; Magnetic resonance imaging
  Hacke等于1996年首次提出“盒源竽灾卸脉梗死”(malignant middle cerebral artery infarction,MMI)这一概念。MMI为一种罕见但严重的神经中枢血管性疾病,系大脑中动脉(middle cerebral artery,MCA)闭塞所致[1]。影像学上脑梗死范围>大脑中动脉供血区1/2或MRI的DWI序列图像提示急性脑梗死体积>145mL,形成明显的水肿(即恶性脑水肿,Malignant brain edema,MBE)及占位效应,导致神经功能的快速恶化,还可发生出血性转化及致命性脑疝[2]。目前,CT与MRI已成为MMI诊断及预后评价的主要影像学手段。本文综述了CT与MRI在MMI中的最新应用进展。
  1 临床表现
  2 病因及危险因素
  文献报道,MMI除伴脑梗死常见的高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症等高危因素外,以下可能为主要病因:心源性栓塞、大动脉粥样硬化、动脉夹层、梅毒性脑动脉炎、Moyamoya病、Trousseau 综合征(肿瘤患者并发的各种血栓栓塞)、真性红细胞增多症、大脑中动脉瘤夹闭术或栓塞术后、颅脑外伤、PHACES 综合征(一种血管瘤合并其他脏器畸形的综合征)、颅内胶质母细胞瘤等恶性肿瘤等[5-11]。
