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来源:用户上传      作者:骆伟 殷宏涛 陶琛

  摘 要:高校中的社团较多,如何能让大学生快速地找到感兴趣的社团,成为社团管理者面临的主要问题。为了向大学生推荐可能喜欢的社团,本项目通过基于协同过滤的推荐算法,找到共同出现的频率来计算语义的相似度,并通过计算空间向量的夹角余弦值进而计算文本之间的相似度,能够在提高社团管理者工作效率的同时,为需要加入社团的学生和对社团文化有浓厚兴趣的学生提供更加全面的信息。实验结果表明,当推荐项目数量为10时,该方法的召回率、准确率和Fl值分别提高了12.81%、7.65%和14.51%,表明基于f同过滤的推荐算法可有效提高推荐结果。
  中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A
  Design and Implementation of College Clubs RecommendationSystem based on Collaborative Filtering Algorithm
  LUO Wei, YIN Hongtao, TAO Chen
  (Department of Software Engineering, Dalian Neusoft University of Information, Dalian 116023, China)
  luowei@neusoft.edu.cn; 208105166@qq.com; 709510257@qq.com
  Abstract: There are many clubs in colleges and universities. How to make college students quickly find clubs of their interests has become the main problem faced by club managers. In order to recommend clubs that college students might like, this paper proposes to use a collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm to find the frequency of common occurrences for calculating semantic similarity. The similarity between texts is calculated by calculating the cosine of the space vector angle. It can not only improve the work efficiency of club managers, but also provide more comprehensive information for students who need to join the club and students who are very interested in club culture. Experimental results show that when the number of recommended items is 10, the recall rate, the accuracy rate and Fl value of this method are increased by 12.81%, 7.65% and 14.51% respectively, indicating that the recommendation algorithm based on collaborative filtering effectively improves recommendation results.
  Keywords: club management; recommendation algorithm; semantic similarity; cosine similarity
  1 引言(Introduction)
  2 系统架构及技术(System architecture)
  高校社团管理系统采用B/S网络结构模式,以及前后端分离的开发形式。前端采用当下流行的Vue框架。Vue是一种前端渐进式的轻量级框架,采用MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel)软件架构的设计模式,实现DOM监听和数据的双向绑定,真正实现了事件驱动编程。后端使用的是Spring Boot框架。Spring Boot采用面向切面编程和声明式的编程模式,集成优化了Spring框架,只需要添加配置文件,就能把相应的组件加载进来。它以注解的形式完成了配置文件的添加,实现了自动化配置,提高了开发的效率。系统架构图如图1所示。

