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来源:用户上传      作者:杜绍辉 司庆洛

  摘 要:在高校体育教学“互联微时代”的背景下,运用对比实验法和问卷调查法,从篮球认知、身体素质、运动技能和师生交互四个维度,探究篮球MOOC混合式教学的实施路径和实际效果。结果显示:实验组对混合式课程的理解和篮球课程思政的认知明显更高;实验组学生身体素质提高幅度均高于对照组;实验组的运动技能评价结果在“良好”以上的学生人数要高于对照组,实验组技术评定“良好”的人数前后呈显著增加;MOOC混合式教学过程中实验组师生、生生之间的交互沟通次数显著增加。因此,篮球MOOC混合式教学使学生更好地接受体育思政教育,改善学生身体素质,改进学生运动技能,增加课堂互动频率,提高学生学习的积极性。
  中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2022)05-0121-05
  Abstract: Based on the background of "internet micro-era" of universities physical education teaching, this article uses comparative experiment method and questionnaire survey method to explore the actual effect and the implement approach of basketball MOOC teaching from four dimensions which students' basketball cognition, physical quality, sports skills and teacher-student interaction. The results show the understanding of the mixed course and the ideological and political cognition of basketball course were significantly improved in the experimental group. The physical quality of the students in the experimental group was improved more than that in the control group. The number of students with "good" motor skill evaluation result in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group, and the number of students with "good" technical evaluation in the experimental group increased significantly before and after the evaluation. In the process of MOOC mixed teaching, the number of interaction between teachers and students and students in the experimental group increased significantly. Therefore, the basketball MOOC mixed teaching enable students to better accept the ideological and political education of sports, improve students' physical quality, improve students' sports skills, increase the frequency of classroom interaction, and enhance the enthusiasm of students to participate in learning.
  Keywords: the internet micro-era; mixed teaching; Basketball MOOC

