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来源:用户上传      作者:岳健 朱铁环 陈秋南 安永林

  摘 要:为了适应新工科建设对隧道工程本科人才的需求,采用五步递进模式保障隧道工程本科毕业设计的质量,不仅关注隧道工程毕业设计这一最终步,还关注跨越近两年的一系列教学环节,强调过程控制。把与隧道工程毕业设计密切相关的教学过程分为逐步递进的五步:隧道工程认识实习、隧道工程理论课程、隧道工程综合实践、隧道工程课程设计、隧道工程毕业设计。阐明五步递进模式的具体内容,建议采取加强跟踪调查、加强团队教学、加强校企合作与加强各步联系等措施,使五步递进模式取得良好的应用效果。
  中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2022)05-0014-04
  Abstract: In order to meet the demand of the construction of new engineering, the five-step progressive model is adopted to guarantee the quality of the graduation design. This study not only pays attention to the final step of the graduation design of tunnel engineering, but also pays attention to a series of teaching links spanning nearly two years and emphasizes the process control. The teaching process, which is closely related to the graduation project of tunnel engineering, is divided into five steps: the cognitive practice of tunnel engineering, the theoretical course of tunnel engineering, the comprehensive practice of tunnel engineering, the course design of tunnel engineering, and the graduation design of tunnel engineering. This paper expounds the specific content of the five-step progressive mode, and suggests that measures such as strengthening follow-up investigation, strengthening team teaching, strengthening school-enterprise cooperation and strengthening each step connection should be taken to make the five-step progressive mode obtain good application effect.
  Keywords: tunnel engineering; graduation project; quality assurance; five-step progressive mode

