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来源:用户上传      作者:闫静 谢鹏鑫 张臻

  摘 要:新《档案法》将档案形成单位或移交单位/保管单位列为档案开放审核的主体之一,明确了其在馆藏档案及尚未移交进馆档案开放审核中的责任。机关档案室作为形成单位或移交单位/保管单位的档案机构,在开放审核中的作用不容忽视。文章通过问卷调查分析,发现机关档案室存在开放审核机制不完善、责任不具体、与解密审核的关系不明确等问题,解决这些问题不仅能够提高档案开放审核的工作效率,也能够提高机关档案室的工作水平。
  Analysis on the Authority and Responsibility of the Office Archives Agency in Archives Opening Examination under the Background of New Archives Law
  ――Based on the Questionnaire Investigation on the Archives Opening Examination State of the Office Archives Agency
  Yan Jing1,2, Xie Pengxin1, Zhang Zhen3
  ( 1.School of History and Culture of Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100; 2.Archival Undertaking Development Research Center of Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872; 3.Department of Management of Beijing Electronics Science & Technology Institute, Beijing 100070 )
  Abstract: The newly amended archives law requires the archives forming or the transferring/custodial units to carry out the opening examination of archival materials, thus identifying their responsibility of archives opening examination both to the archival collections and the not-transferred archives. The office archives agency is the archives organization of the formation or the transfer/custodial unit, which could not be ignored in archives opening examination. In the analysis of the questionnaire, several problems exposed such as imperfect opening examination mechanism, unspecific responsibility and unclear relationship with declassification audit, etc. Solving these problems can not only improve the efficiency of archives opening examination, but also develop the status of the office archives.
  Keywords: Archives Opening Examination; Archives Opening; Office Archives Agency

