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来源:用户上传      作者:张聪慧

  摘 要:新工科建设是教育部在2017年为应对新科技革命和新产业的崛起而提出的,新工科背景下,高校应围绕“坚持学生为主、注重工程训练、强化实践能力、培养自主创新”的育人理念,推动教学内容和教学方法的改革。项目推动式教学是在新工科背景下为了更好的人才培养而进行的探索模式。项目推动式教学的主要特点是以项目为依托促进学生对知识的理解、吸收和运用,更加强调学生的动手实践和创新能力,从人才培养的角度对教师和学生都提出了更高的要求。将项目推动式教学引入电子线路实验课程中,让学生以项目为载体进行学习,在做中学,在学中做,将理论和实践进行有效的结合,并鼓励学生将课程项目延伸到科创竞赛中,提高学生的学习积极性和主动性,为社会培养兼具科学品格和创新思维能力的创新型工程人才。
  中图分类号:TP23 文献标识码:A
  Exploration of project driven teaching mode
  under the background of new engineering
  ZHANG Conghui
  (East China Normal University, Communication and Electronic Engineering College, Shanghai, 200241 China)
  Abstract: The new engineering construction was proposed by the Ministry of education in 2017 to cope with the new scientific and technological revolution and the rise of new industries. Under the background of new engineering, colleges and universities should promote the reform of teaching content and teaching methods around the educational concept of "adhering to students first, paying attention to engineering training, strengthening practical ability and cultivating independent innovation". Project driven teaching is an exploration mode for better talent training under the background of new engineering. The main feature of project driven teaching is to promote students' understanding, absorption and application of knowledge based on projects, put more emphasis on students' practical practice and innovation ability, and put forward higher requirements for teachers and students from the perspective of talent training. The project driven teaching is introduced into the electronic circuit experiment course, so that students can study with the project as the carrier, learn by doing and do in learning, effectively combine theory and practice, and encourage students to extend the course project to the science and innovation competition, so as to improve students' learning enthusiasm and initiative, Cultivate innovative engineering talents with scientific character and innovative thinking ability for the society.
  Keywords: New engineering; Project driven; Practical ability;Innovation ability
  1 传统实验教学体系中存在的问题
  1.1 实验课程内容多以验证性实验为主,实验平台多以实验箱为主,缺少探究性的学习,难以提高学生的创新力


