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来源:用户上传      作者:李峰 秦晓峰 郭策 李秀红 任家骏

  摘 要:新时代背景下的新工科建设中,培养机械类专业高层次工科创新人才,推动适应新工科建设的专业课程教学改革势在必行。机械原理作为机械类核心主干基础课程,在培养新工科机械类高素质、创新型人才的全局中,承担着重要作用。针对当前机械原理课程教学中的课堂教学模式固定、教学手段单一化、创新教学实践不足等问题,新工科背景下的机械原理项目式教学可以从基于翻转课堂、案例驱动、数值模拟技术等多手段融合的项目式教学模式入手,优化机械原理培养方案,重构课程教学体系,创新教学内容,探索协同育人模式,搭建创新训练平台。实践表明,基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式能够较好地提高学生的学习兴趣和工程创新设计能力。
  中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2022)08-0085-04
  Abstract: In the construction of new engineering in the new era, it is imperative to cultivate high-level innovative talents of mechanical engineering and promote the teaching reform of professional courses to adapt to the construction of new engineering. As the core basic course, mechanical principle course plays an important role in the overall situation of cultivating high-quality and innovative talents of mechanical engineering. Aiming at the problems of fixed classroom teaching mode, single teaching means and insufficient innovative teaching practice in the current teaching, the project-based teaching of mechanical principles under the background of new engineering can start with the project-based teaching mode based on flipped classroom, case driven, numerical simulation technology and other means to optimize the training scheme of mechanical principles, reconstruct the course teaching system, innovate the teaching content, explore the collaborative education mode and build an innovative training platform. Practice shows that the project-based teaching mode based on flipped classroom can better improve students' learning interest and engineering innovation design ability.
  Keywords:Mechanical Principle; flipped classroom; project-based teaching; the teaching reform


