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5W1H 联合 PDCA 法在儿童雾化门诊优化管理中的应用研究

来源:用户上传      作者:傅华容

  [摘要]目的探5W1H 联合 PDCA 法在儿童雾化门诊优化管理中的应用效果。方法分别选取2020年7―12月和2021年1―6月郁南县人民医院收治的各100例雾化患儿作为对照组和试验组,对照组予以常规门诊雾化治疗,试验组采用5W1H 联合 PDCA 法配合门诊雾化治疗。通过观察两组治疗后患儿雾化吸入治疗效果、患儿依从度、诊疗效率、家属满意度和不良反应发生率评估两种治疗方案的差异。结果试验组患儿治疗总有效率(98.00% vs.75.00%)、总等待时间[(0.94±0.16)h vs.(3.52±0.26)h]、患儿依从性(95.00% vs.71.00%)、家属满意度[(78.60±3.27)分 vs.(43.82±3.62)分]、不良反应总发生率(4.00% vs.20.00%)均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义( P <0.05)。结论本研究通过建立儿童雾化门诊优化小组,采用5W1H 联合 PDCA 法的儿童雾化门诊优化管理模式,可提高门诊患儿雾化吸入的治疗效果、患儿依从性及家属满意度,降低不良反应发生率,为其临床实践应用提供了理论基础。
  [关键词]5W1H 法;PDCA 法;儿童雾化吸入;门诊管理;诊疗效率;依从性
  [中图分类号] R197.3[文献标识码] A [文章编号]2095-0616(2022)10-0174-04
  A study on the application of 5W1H combined with PDCA method in the optimal management of pediatric nebulization outpatient clinic
  Department of Pediatrics, Yu'nan People's Hospital, Guangdong, Yu'nan 527199, China
  [Abstract] Objective To explore the application effect of 5W1H (What, Why, When, Where, Who and How) combined with PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act) method in the optimal management of pediatric nebulization outpatient clinic. Methods A total of 200 children with nebulization admitted to Yu'nan People's Hospital were divided into the control group (n=100, from July to December 2020) and the experimental group (n=100, from January to June 2021). The control group was treated with conventional outpatient nebulization, while the experimental group was treated with 5W1H combined with PDCA method. The differences between the two treatment schemes were evaluated by observing the efficacy of nebulizing inhalation, children's compliance, diagnosis and treatment efficiency, family satisfaction and incidence of adverse reactions in the two groups. Results The total effective rate of treatment (98.00% vs.75.00%), total waiting time ([0.94±0.16] hours vs.[3.52±0.26] hours), children's compliance (95.00% vs.71.00%), family satisfaction ([78.60±3.27] points vs.[43.82±3.62] points), and the incidence of adverse reactions (4.00% vs.20.00%) in the experimental group were better than those in the control group, with statistically significant differences (P <0.05). Conclusion In this study, the established group for pediatric nebulization outpatient clinic optimization has made efforts to improve the efficacy of nebulizing inhalation for outpatient children, increase the children's compliance and family satisfaction, and reduce the incidence of adverse reactions by adopting the 5W1H + PDCA method-based optimal management model for pediatric nebulization outpatient clinic, which provides a theoretical basis for the clinical application of this management model.


