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来源:用户上传      作者:谭星驰 陈怡静

  Bibliometrics Analysis of “New Rural Sages” Research Based on CiteSpace
  TAN Xing-chi,CHEN Yi-jing
  (College of Public Administration and Law, Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha, Hunan 410128)
  AbstractBased on the original data of 216 effective journal documents related to new rural sages in CNKI from 2015 to 2021, we used the bibliometric statistical tool provided by CNKI and visual analysis tool CiteSpace, so as to summarize the current research results through comprehensive statistical analysis in terms of the volume of publications, author characteristics, research institutions, journal citation and keywords suggestions on the development for future field. The literature amount was increasing year by year, there were still few high-quality papers at this stage;from the perspective of the total number of citations and network density, it could be seen that the cooperation between the authors in the field of new rural sages was not close and the degree of dispersion was large;the research institutions of the published papers were mainly universities and had distinct regional characteristics;through the clustering analysis of key words, we found that for new rural sages based on the traditional rural sages, the research focused on Rural Revitalization, Rural Governance and other hotspots to explore, in line with the current background of the times. In general, the field of the new rural sage was still in its infancy. In the future, further efforts should be made in depth and breadth, and interdisciplinary research should be emphasized, scholars also need to strengthen exchanges and cooperation.
  Key wordsCiteSpace;New rural sages;Visual analysis


