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来源:用户上传      作者:秦睿婷 宋怡梦 黄政和 卓俏青

  中图分类号:F323.7;F724.5 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16465/j.gste.cn431252ts.20220208
  Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Pricing of Soybean Futures Based on Structural Power Theory
  Qin Ruiting, Song Yimeng, Huang Zhenghe, Zhuo Qiaoqing
  ( International Business School, Jinan University, Zhuhai, Guangdong 510970 )
  Abstract: In the context of supply side reform, the Chinese soybean futures market is selected as a research object from the perspective of structural power theory, and monthly data on the closing prices of yellow soybean futures No.2 from Dalian Commodity Exchange from 2016 to 2019 are used to empirically analyze the influencing factors on the pricing of soybean futures in China by principal component analysis and multiple linear regression models. FINDINGS: under supply side reform policy, pricing of soybean futures is affected to varying degrees by four constructs: productive structural authority, financial structural authority, knowledge structural authority and security structural authority. At the same time, there is a phenomenon of unreasonable price fluctuation of soybean futures in China due to produce structural power and financial structural power. Based on the above conclusions, four policy implications are proposed to provide reference values for the evasion of extreme risks in soybean futures markets and the optimization of supply-side structural reform policies.
  Key words: supply-side reform, bulk commodity, structural power, multiple linear regression, principal component analysis
  21 世o以来,随着世界经济的全球化和中国加入世界贸易组织,中国正日益融入世界经济大循环。我国对主要大宗商品的需求迅速增长,已成为全球重要的大宗商品消费国。然而,由于部分大宗商品存在供需结构性严重不平衡的问题,导致了我国对外依存度明显提升。其中,国产大豆作为我国重要的大宗商品,却被进口大豆抢占了大量的市场份额,使得中国变成世界上最大的大豆进口国的同时,大豆对外依存度超过了80%[1]。
  同时,近些年国内外已经有诸多学者都在不同模型的基础上对大宗商品的期货定价开展了研究。其中,韩立岩等[3]建立因素增强型向量自回归模型体系,选择涵盖美国与中国实体经济、国际投机因素、商品期货市场供需与库存状态的 532 个经济指标,对国际大宗商品价格影响因素进行多视角实证研究。查婷俊等[4]基于期货市场功能与期货市场有效性内在关联的视角指出大豆定价受到产量、汇率以及贸易的影响。Hao等[5]基于结构向量自回归模型和方差分解法从供求因素、金融因素等角度分析了影响国际黄金期货价格波动的因素以及投机因素。Hu等[6]从宏观经济、资本市场和地缘政治层面建立一个动态连接网络,探讨了宏观因素与商品期货价格之间的关系。


