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来源:用户上传      作者:张超 王露露

  摘 要:随着一些赴美上市的中概股企业陷入预摘牌的困境,我国境外上市企业的档案安全治理问题成为当前档案、信息安全、金融等领域共同聚焦的研究热点。为捍卫我国国家信息安全,同时保障境外上市企业的利益,我国对境外上市企业的相关监管法规做出了修订。然而,修订法规出台的同时也带来了新的治理问题,境外上市企业在落地的过程中仍需要解决档案安全责任意识薄弱、落实“新规”存在难度、档案信息安全细则不够细化、档案跨境监管合作机制尚待落地等具体问题。针对上述问题,文章提出了提高境外上市企业档案安全责任意识、完善档案安全治理体系、建立涉密信息识别与风险预警机制和构建国际多边联合监管的长期对话通道等新路径。
  Interpretation of the New Regulations for Overseas Listing of Chinese Enterprises and Archives Security Governance
  Zhang Chao1, Wang Lulu2
  ( 1.School of Information Resources Management of Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872; 2.Department of Information Management of Peking University, Beijing 100871 )
  Abstract: With a batch of China concept stock enterprises falling into the dilemma of pre-delisting in the United States, the archives security governance of overseas listing of Chinese enterprises has become a research hotspot in such fields as archival science, information security, finance and so on. In order to safeguard China’s national information security and protect the interests of overseas listing of enterprises, China has revised relevant laws and regulations. However, the introduction of the revised regulations also brings a new round of governance issues. Overseas listed enterprises still need to solve specific problems in the process of landing, such as weak awareness of responsibility for archives security, difficulties in implementing the new regulations, lack of detailed rules for archives information security, and the pending implementation of a cross-border regulatory cooperation mechanism for archives. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward some new governance paths, such as improving the awareness of archives security responsibility of overseas listed enterprises, improving the archives security governance system, establishing a confidential information identification and risk early warning mechanism, and building a long-term dialogue channel of international multilateral joint oversight.
  Keywords: Archives Security Management; Overseas Listing of Enterprises; Archives Supervision
  2022年3月,美证券交易委员会(United States Securities and Exchange Commission,SEC)公布了之前预除名的5家中概股企业名单后,大部分中概股企业的股价出现了大幅度下跌。这是2020年5月美国证监会颁布《外国公司问责法案》后,按照实施细则执行的第一批超过3年没有提交审计底稿的中概股企业。当前的主要矛盾是审计底稿监管和审查问题,其严重性在于我国赴美上市的中概股企业中有一定比例的互联网企业,其掌握了我国大量的基础用户信息,美国证监会提出的“无条件提供审计底稿”必然会威胁到我国信息安全。
  对于监管对象而言,无论是否涉及境外审计,中概股企业都需要意识到信息安全的重要性,提前关注信息安全管理的问题,而企业档案客观记录了企业各项业务活动,是确保信息安全的重要组成部分。对监管主体而言,2022年4月2日,中国证监会就修订的《关于加强境内企业境外发行证券和上市相关保密和档案管理工作的规定(征求意见稿)》(以下简称“新规”)向社会公开征求意见,重点明确了企业信息安全责任和跨境监管合作安排等问题,相当于为开展跨境监管合作提供制度保障。[1]尽管从政策上来看,我国证监会和美国公众公司会计监督委员会(Public Company Accounting Oversight Board,PCAOB)有可能达成一个折中且双方都能接受的操作模式,但具体如何落地以及企业如何具体执行等问题尚未解决。这其实给我国境外上市企业档案安全治理问题画了一个更大的问号,也解释了本研究提到的“新规解读视角”的必要性。


