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来源:用户上传      作者:党天华 赵蒙蒙 钱静

   摘 要:为了提高夏季办公室工作人员的热舒适性,在不使用空调制冷设备的情况下,设计开发了3款微型风扇阵列通风服。该通风服由通风系统和基础服装组成,风扇置于服装不同的部位。在气候室模拟了夏季办公室工作环境,采用真人着装实验,通过测量客观和主观指标,对通风服进行了降温效果和热湿舒适性评价。结果表明:微型风扇阵列通风服轻便,穿着舒适;3款通风服均使衣下温度下降;受试者穿着通风服与对照组相比,平均皮肤温度、平均躯干温度均降低,耳道温度不存在显著性差异,对平均皮肤湿度影响不明显,同时受试者的热感觉、湿感觉、热舒适度也显著优于对照组。前后均带有风扇的通风服对躯干降温效果最好,与其风速最大有关,达到较为显著的改善人体热舒适的效果。
  Development and evaluation of ventilation clothing based on micro fan array
  DANG Tianhua, ZHAO Mengmeng, QIAN Jing
  (College of Textile and Clothing, Shanghai University of Engineering Sciences, Shanghai 201620, China)
  Abstract: In order to improve the thermal comfort of office workers in summer, we design and develop three types of micro-fan array ventilation clothing without using air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The ventilation clothing is composed of a ventilation system and basic clothing, with the fan being placed in different parts of the clothing. The summer office working environment was simulated in the climatic chamber, and human subject dressing experiments were conducted to evaluate the cooling effect and thermal-wet comfort of the ventilating clothing by measuring objective and subjective indicators. The research results show that the micro-fan array ventilating clothing is light and comfortable to wear; all the three types of ventilating clothing reduce the temperatures under the clothes; compared with the control group, the average skin temperature and torso temperature of the human subjects wearing ventilation clothing decrease while the subjects' thermal sensation, wet sensation, and thermal comfort are much more better, though the ventilating clothing has an insignificant influence on auditory canal temperature and skin humidity. On the whole, the ventilating clothing with both front and back fans has the best cooling effect on the torso and significantly improves human thermal comfort, which is related to the maximum wind speed.
  Key words: micro fan; ventilation clothing; design; thermal-wet comfort; evaluation
  夂虮渑的加剧使高温热浪席卷全球,世界各地最高气温不断被打破。夏季,室内热条件恶化,易使人们情绪烦躁,影响身体健康和工作效率。使用空调制冷设备,会消耗较多的电能,造成环境污染,如何提高办公室工作人员的室内热舒适成为近几年的研究热点[1]。个体降温服装(Personal cooling garment)的开发是满足个人热舒适需求最便捷、最有效的方式,已成为服装发展趋势之一。个体降温服装一般分为:液体降温服[2]、气体降温服(通风服)、相变材料降温服[3]、混合降温服[4]、新型材料降温服[5]。其中液体降温服与部分气体降温服需要额外制冷装置,不易携带,相变材料降温服制冷时间较短。风扇式通风服轻便易携带,不需要额外制冷装置,降温效果良好。
  Crockford于1972年最早提出了服装通风的概念,他指出衣下微气候与外界环境之间的空气交换,可实现皮肤表面与环境之间的热量交换[6]。通风服是把温度适宜的空气引入,并分布到人体,形成舒适的微小气候的一种个体降温服装,通常用于航空、建筑、交通指挥等领域。此外,通风服在降低人体温度的同时,可以改善衣下潮湿感,提高热舒适性[7-8]。国内外众多学者对其已有一定的研究。美国海军航空兵系统司令部[9]、孙晓艳等[10]、陈宁等[11]、柳源等[12]、Guo等[13]研究了管道式通风服,但装置复杂。风扇式通风服,携带穿着方便。赵蒙蒙[14]设计了5套风扇式通风服,通过出汗暖体假人和真人着装实验,对比它们的降温效果,发现躯干散热最佳的条件是将风扇配置于前胸下部且衣身前后都开口,但使用的风扇体积较大,不太符合人体工效学。微型风扇阵列通风服,风扇小、质量轻,有学者[15-17]使用大小为2 cm或4 cm的风扇,以并联的方式将风扇连接在一起,对流提高了人体与环境的热交换,经实验研究对人体有良好的降温效果。一般选用干电池或锂电池对风扇供电,少数使用太阳能电池板供电。


