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来源:用户上传      作者:王兴

  【摘 要】建筑行业发展迅速,自然环境问题日益暴露,此过程中不断形成了顺应社会进步的理念和技术,其中低碳建筑就是可持续发展理念施行的必然产物,BIM技术则是建筑行业进步的必然操作技术。将BIM技术应用于低碳建筑将更好地响应低碳号召,节能减排,实现行业可持续发展。论文从BIM技术、低碳建筑两项基本概念着手分析其内在本质特征,分析BIM技g应用于低碳建筑的几大方面,明确BIM技术应用于低碳建筑可达到节能降耗、建筑设计优化等效果,并基于目前应用情况为后续持续应用作出总结。
  【Abstract】With the rapid development of the construction industry, natural environmental problems are increasingly exposed. In the process, the concept and technology that conform to social progress are constantly formed. Among them, low carbon building is the inevitable outcome of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, and BIM technology is the inevitable operation technology of the progress of the construction industry. The application of BIM technology to low carbon buildings will better respond to the call of low carbon, energy conservation and emission reduction, and achieve sustainable development of the industry. This paper analyzes the intrinsic characteristics of BIM technology and low carbon building from the two basic concepts, analyzes several aspects of BIM technology applied in low carbon building, and makes clear that BIM technology applied in low carbon building can achieve the effects of energy saving and consumption reduction, architectural design optimization, etc., and summarizes the follow-up continuous application based on the current application situation.
  【Keywords】BIM technology; low carbon building; energy saving application
  【中图分类号】TU201.5;TU17 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1673-1069(2022)02-0178-03
  1 引言
  2 低碳建筑基本概念


