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来源:用户上传      作者:谢劲 彭春政

  摘 要:探“长三角”城市社区建成环境与老年人体力活动及其体质量指数(BMI)之间的关系,为健康人居环境建设提供理论依据。方法:采用“人居环境适宜步行量表(简约版)”“国际体力活动问卷”,对“长三角”城市社区2 350名老年人进行测量,应用独立样本t检验、logistics回归分析和结构方程模型进行数据分析。结论:1)被调查老年人对建成环境因素中道路连接性满意度最高,其次为治安安全性、目的地可及性、环境美化性和配套设施便利性。2)体力活动水平活跃组与不活跃组老年人感知“长三角”城市社区建成环境因素中的配套设施便利性、目的地可及性、环境美化性具有显著差异性(p<0.05);BMI<24 kg/m2和BMI≥24 kg/m2组别的老年人感知“长三角”城市社区建成环境因素中的配套设施便利性、目的地可及性具有显著性差异(p<0.001)。3)被调查老年人体力活动水平与感知“长三角”城市社区建成环境因素中的配套设施便利性、目的地可及性、环境美化性及治安安全性具有显著相关性(p<0.05),被调查老年人BMI值与感知“长三角”城市社区建成环境因素中的配套设施便利性、目的地可及性有显著相关性(p<0.01)。4)“长三角”城市社区建成环境对被调查老年人体力活动水平和BMI均具有直接影响效应。
  中图分类号:G 804.34 学科代码:040302 文献标识码:A
  Abstract:To explore the relationship among the built environment, physical activity and body mass index (BMI) of the elderly in urban communities of“Yangtze River Delta”, and to provide theoretical basis for the construction of healthy human settlements. Method: Using the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale Abbreviated, International Physical Activity Questionnaire to measure 2 350 elderly people in the Yangtze River Delta urban region, and the data are analyzed by means of independent sample T test, regression analysis and structural equation model. Result: 1) The investigated elderly people are most satisfied with the factors of street connectivity among the built environment, followed by security, destination accessibility, landscaping and facility convenience. 2) There are significant differences between active and inactive elderly in the perception of built environmental factors of facility convenience, destination accessibility and landscaping factors in urban communities of “Yangtze River Delta” (p<0.05); there are significant differences between BMI<24 kg/m2 and BMI≥24 kg/m2 elderly people in the perception of built environmental factors of facility convenience and destination accessibility in urban communities of “Yangtze River Delta”(p<0.001). 3) the physical activity level of the investigated elderly is significantly related to the perception of built environmental factors of facility convenience, destination accessibility, landscaping and security in urban communities of “Yangtze River Delta”(p<0.05); the BMI of the elderly is statistically related to the perception of built environmental factors of facility convenience and destination accessibility in urban communities of “Yangtze River Delta”(p<0.01). 4) Built environment in urban communities of “Yangtze River Delta” has direct effect both on physical activity and BMI of the investigated elderly.
