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来源:用户上传      作者:聂云霞 卢丹丹

  摘 要:科学有效的监管是国家档案治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要体现。新《档案法》的颁布实施为档案监管提供了基本的法律遵循,《“十四五”全国档案事业发展规划》将加强重点领域档案工作监管以及创新档案业务监督指导方式列为“十四五”时期档案事业发展的主要任务之一,为有效提升档案监管效能指明了方向。因此,以新《档案法》为背景,分析当前我国档案监管中存在的问题,重新审视档案监管主体的新变化、监管客体的新发展、监管技术的新应用、监管模式的新变革,进而从法律体系、主体权责、监管客体、监管技术、监管模式等方面进一步探索并构建新《档案法》背景下档案监管新格局显得重要且紧迫。
  Abstract: Scientific and effective curation is the important embodiment of the modernization of national archival management system and management ability. The new Archives Law provides basic legal compliance for archival curation, the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of National Archives will strengthen the curation of archival work in key areas and innovate the supervision and guidance of archival business as one of the main tasks for the development of Archives during the 14th Five-Year period, indicating that it will effectively improve the effectiveness of archival curation up the direction. Therefore, based on the new Archives Law, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the archival supervision in our country, and re-examines the new changes of the archival curation subject, the new development of the curation object, the new application of the curation technology, and the new reform of the curation mode. It is important and urgent to further explore and construct a new pattern of archival curation under the background of the new Archives Law from the aspects of legal system, rights and responsibilities of subject, regulatory object, regulatory technology and regulatory mode.
  Keywords: New archives law; The 14th five-year plan; Archival curation; The new connotation; The new development
  1 国内外档案监管的发展
