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来源:用户上传      作者:陈夏临 葛桂录

  Hsen-Hsu Hu and Harold Acton′s Translation of Nine Poems of Su TungP′o
  CHEN Xialin,GE Guilu
  (College of Chinese Language and Literature, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350007, China)
  Abstract: At the beginning of the 20th century, the XuehengSchool and the New Culture School adopted diametrical stances and launched fierce controversies via the XuehengJournal and the New Youth Magazine. In 1939, Hsen-Hsu Hu, chief of the XuehengSchool, and British sinologist Harold Mario Mitchell Acton jointly translated Nine Poems of Su TungP′oon T′ien Hsia Monthly, presenting the classic works of Chinese literature to the world through the masterly translation. In great appreciation of the beauty of Chinese classical literature, Sir Acton was determined to co-translate Chinese literary classics to the west with Chinese scholars such as Hsen-Hsu Hu. He compared the creative feats of ancient poetry and new poetry and was opposed to completely throwing away literary traditions in the mist of new literature creation. However, Hsen-Hsu Hu, who was trapped in the ‘North-South Controversies′ and the ‘War of Words Between Hsen-Hsu Hu and Hu Shi′, held that the new literature derived from the classical literature and voiced his stance on the XuehengJournal and T′ien Hsia Monthly, proving that the new literature should take the attitude of inheriting and learning from the classical literature. The co-translation of Su Shi′s poems by Hsen-Hsu Hu and Sir Acton was aimed to learn from the ancient rhyme and put forward the developmental concept of coexistence with tradition for the new literature.
  Key words:Su Shi; T′ien Hsia Monthly; the new literature; the classical literature; mutual learning
  英国汉学家哈罗德・阿克顿(Harold Acton,1904-1994)崇尚中国古典文学,面对20世纪30年代中国新文学的勃发之势,他立足于唯美主义视角,看到了新文学在狂飙突进中的潜在隐患。他积极向西方翻译新诗,中肯地提出新文学应建立在对古典文学的继承与发展基础上,并对中国现代文学精神进行深邃反思。1939年,阿克顿与学衡派主将胡先X(Hsen-Hsu Hu,1894-1968)在《天下月刊》(T′ien Hsia Monthly)上合译的《东坡诗九首》(Nine Poemsof Su TungP′o),不仅是对学衡派“昌明国粹”精神的亲践,也以诗意唯美的精湛译笔,向西方世界呈现了最能代表中国文学巅峰的古典诗歌。胡先X与阿克顿在《天下月刊》合译,不仅使《东坡诗九首》具有中西文学交流意义,也反映了学衡派等中国传统文学倡导者的文化互鉴理想。

