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来源:用户上传      作者:贺正楚,罗静,潘为华

  [摘要] 以2015-2019年沪深A股上市公司的战略性新兴产业企业为样本,对企业年报进行文本词频统计分析;以知识流动为中介指标,对企业合作文化、知识流动与创新绩效的内在关系进行探究,以上研究表明:企业合作文化对企业创新存在显著促进作用,且知识流动在企业合作文化对创新绩效中起中介作用。在不同产权性质的企业(国有企业、民营企业),企业合作文化对企业创新绩效的影响存在着差异,企业合作文化对创新绩效的促进作用在国有企业中更为显著。知识流动的中介效应也有差异,国有企业的知识流动中介效应明显强于民营企业。
  [关键词] 合作文化;知识流动;创新绩效;中介效应
  [中图分类号] F270;F424[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1008―1763(2022)03―0057―08
  Research on the Impact of Enterprise Cooperation Culture
  and Knowledge Flow on Innovation PerformanceHE Zhengchu,LUO Jing,PAN Weihua
  (School of Economics and Management,Changsha University of Technology,Changsha410114,China)
  Abstract:Taking the strategic emerging industry enterprises among the Ashare listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2015 to 2019 as a sample,this paper makes a statistical analysis on the text word frequency of the enterprise annual report,takes the knowledge flow as an intermediary index,and constructs an index system to explore the relationship between enterprise cooperation culture,knowledge flow and innovation performance.It is found that the impact of corporate cooperative culture on enterprise innovation is significant,and knowledge flow is one of the important ways for corporate cooperative culture to affect innovation performance.Further research also shows that there are differences in the impact of corporate cooperation culture on enterprise innovation performance in enterprises with different property rights (stateowned enterprises and private enterprises),and the promotion effect of corporate cooperation culture on innovation performance is more significant in stateowned enterprises.The intermediary effect of knowledge flow is also different.The intermediary effect of knowledge flow in stateowned enterprises is obviously stronger than that in private enterprises.
  Key words: cooperative culture;knowledge flow;innovation performance;mediation effect


