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来源:用户上传      作者:郑任钊

  [摘要] 清代公羊学始于庄存与《春秋正辞》,还是孔广森《春秋公羊通义》,学界一直有争议。本文认为《春秋正辞》在乾隆二十四年之前应已具备一定规模,在乾隆三四十年代应已成稿,其内容主旨与乾隆皇帝这个时段对《春秋》的表述亦有不少契合之处。《春秋正辞》撰著时间要早于《公羊通义》,其刊刻的一再推延一方面是因为庄存与感到与当时的学术氛围不合而秘不示人,另一方面则与该书始终未能完成修订有关。从学术渊源上讲,清代公羊学正是沿着庄存与《春秋正辞》开出的方向发展的,因此清代公羊学的开山之作当属庄存与的《春秋正辞》。
  [关键词] 庄存与;孔广森;撰著时间;乾隆皇帝;学术渊源
  [中图分类号] B249.9[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1008―1763(2022)03―0026―08
  The Composition of Chunqiu Zhengci and the Dawn of
  the Gongyang Studies in the Qing DynastyZHENG Renzhao
  (Institute of Ancient History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing100101, China)
  Abstract: In the Qing Dynasty, it has been a contested issue in academia over whether it was Zhuang Cunyu or Kong Guangsen that initiated the Gongyang Studies. This essay maintains that the Chunqiu Zhengci is reckoned to have achieved a substantial scale before the 24th year of Qianlong reign (C.E.1759), and it is construed to have reached its completion during the 30th year and the 40th of the Qianlong Reign (C.E.1765-1775), the underlying connotations of the Chunqiu Zhengci in this period accords closely with the narratives of Emperor Qianlong (r.1736-1796) toward the Chunqiu during the same era. While the composition era of the Chunqiu Zhengci predated that of the Gongyang Tongyi, its publication was repeatedly delayed because on the one hand, the author Zhuang Cunyu feared that his work went against the notion of the academia at that time and thus chose not to reveal it; on the other hand, it is believed that the book was under constant revision during that era. In terms of scholarly lineage, the Gongyang Studies in the Qing Dynasty fledged along the orientation of the Chunqiu Zhengci by Zhuang Cunyu; therefore, this essay predicates that Zhuang Cunyu initiated the dawn of the Gongyang Studies in the Qing Dynasty.
  Key words:Zhuang Cunyu; Kong Guangsen; composition era; Emperor Qianlong;scholarly lineage


