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来源:用户上传      作者:许颖 张天瑞 金淦

  摘 要:为提高钢筋混凝土锈蚀裂缝检测分类的效率和精度,提出了一种基于深度学习卷 积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)的钢筋混凝土锈蚀裂缝识别模型 SCNet(Steel Corrosion Net).首先通过原始数据采集和数据增强构建了39 000 张图片的裂缝数据集,然后利 用TensorFlow 学习框架和Python构建神经网络模型并进行训练测试,根据模型的训练精度和测试精度进行网络结构和网络参数的优化,最终将 SCNet识别模型与两种传统检测方法进行对比.结果表明:文中所建立的SCNet 三分类神经网络模型达到了96.8%的分类准确率,可以有效识别分类钢筋混凝土锈蚀裂缝,并且具有较高的准确率和可测性;在图像数据有阴影、扭 曲等噪声干扰的条件下,两种传统检测方法已不能达到理想的分类效果,SCNet模型仍能表现 出相对稳定的分类性能.
  中图分类号:TU375 文献标志码:A
  Identification of Corroded Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Based on Deep Learning SCNetmodel
  XU Ying?,ZHANG Tianrui,JIN Gan
  (Shenzhen Key Lab of Urban Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention & Reduction,Harbin Institute of Technology,Shenzhen,Shenzhen 518055,China)
  Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of corroded cracks detection and classification in rein-forced concrete, a corroded cracks identificationmodel Steel Corrosion Net(SCNet)based on deep learning Convolu-tional Neural Network(CNN)is proposed.A data set of39 000 crack figures is firstly built by original data collection and data enhancement, a SCNet three-classification neural networkmodel is then built and tested by TensorFlow learning framework and Python.According to the training and testing accuracies of themodel, the structure and pa-rameters of the SCNet networkmodel are optimized and the result of the SCNet is compared with two traditional test-ingmethods.The result shows that the SCNetmodel established in this paper achieves the classification accuracy of 96.8%, whichmeans the SCNetmodel can effectively identify and classify the corroded cracks in reinforced concrete with high accuracy andmeasurability.Under the conditions of noise interference such as shadows and distortions, those two traditional testingmethods fail to ideally classify, whereas the SCNetmodel shows a relatively stable classi-fication performance.
  Key words:concrete cracks;steel corrosion;Convolutional Neural Network;data enhancement;neural network optimization
  钢筋混凝土结构的钢筋锈蚀会引起钢筋体积膨 胀,导致混凝土裂缝的开展进而危害结构的安全性[1].传统的裂缝监测需要人工定期定时完成,但是 存在安全性差、成本高、效率低的问题.随着技术发 展,光纤、扫描电镜、热成像、超声波[2]等技术也被运 用到裂缝检测中来,但这些技术也有其局限性且成 本高昂.目前很多比较全面的结构健康监测系统只 配置在大型建筑之中[3-4],需要安装大量的传感器,收集数据,并作一定的环境补偿.随着计算机的发 展,一些基于计算机视觉的图像处理技术被投入使用[5-6],可以检测到混凝土表面缺陷,但是截至目前图像处理技术还存在着不足,比如不能对不同原因 导致的缺陷进一步分类,光照和噪声对其结果影响较大等.
  深度学习算法属于机器学习,是一种通过大规 模的数据集训练学习神经网络框架,更新权重提取 特 征的学 习 方 式[7].卷 积 神 经 网 络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)是利用深度学习构建的神经 网络,它的灵感来源于动物的视觉皮层[8],能够有效 地捕捉到图像的网格状拓扑结构,作为判断分类的依据[9],可以高效地进行图像识别.


