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  摘 要 目的:探讨症状不典型的心绞痛患者冠脉病变情况。方法:对16例无明显心绞痛症状的冠心病患者和既往无冠心病病史因急性冠脉综合征首次就诊的患者进行冠脉造影,通过分析冠脉造影结果评价冠脉病变特点。结果:冠脉造影显示,冠心病患者中三支病变人数最多9例(56.25%),双支病变6例(37.5%),单支病变最少1例(6.25%)。3组人群中糖尿病、高血压、高血脂等冠心病危险因素之间无明显差异。结论:严重冠脉病变患者往往因侧支循环形成等原因导致心绞痛发作时症状不典型,故老年人需要结合年龄、早发家族史、心电图、血压、血糖、血脂水平等综合评估,必要时及早行冠脉造影检查并给予积极治疗避免恶性心血管事件发生。
  关键词 非典型 症状 冠状动脉造影
  Analysis of the results of coronary angiography of 16 patients of coronary heart disease with atypical symptoms
  Zu Linna,Gaoju
  Space Center Hospital,Beijing 100039
  Abstract Objective:To explore the coronary artery lesions condition of patients of coronary heart disease with atypical symptoms.Methods:16 patients of coronary heart disease with atypical symptoms and patients of acute coronary syndrome without the history of coronary heart disease were selected,they were examined by coronary angiography.We evaluated the coronary artery disease characteristics through the analysis of the results of coronary angiography.Results:Coronary angiography showed,in patients with coronary heart disease,the number of three branch lesions was the most with 9 cases(56.25%),6 cases(37.5%) were double branch lesions,1 case(6.25%) was single branch lesion.There was no significant difference among 3 groups of the risk factors of coronary heart disease,such as diabetes,hypertension,hyperlipidemia and so on.Conclusion:In patients with severe coronary artery disease,the symptom is not typical during angina pectoris because of the reason of the formation of collateral circulation.Therefore,the elderly should be given comprehensive evaluation combined with age,family history,electrocardiogram,blood pressure,blood glucose,blood lipid level and so on.When necessary,patients should be given early coronary angiography and active treatment in order to avoid the serious cardiovascular events.
  Key words Atypical;Symptom;Coronary angiography
  结 果