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来源:用户上传      作者:王承福 陆廷祥 刘承贵 张林�d 刘明涛 龙贤齐 胡志平 王传明

  【摘 要】 为了摸清贵州省都匀市桔梗科植物资源的分布及蕴藏量,普查队成员通过全国第四次中药资源普查开展贵州省都匀市各乡镇样地普查,进行了桔梗科植物文献调查、野外普查、样线调查、标本采集、药材采集、实地采访及标本鉴定工作。结果显示,在14个乡村中发现9种桔梗科植物并采集标本,其群落特征较为复杂,伴生植物多种多样。通过市场及民间调查发现,桔梗科植物的栽培量几近为零,野生资源正逐渐减少。本研究对当地桔梗科植物的分布及开发利用做了讨论,为都匀市及全国对桔梗科相关经济作物的可持续发展提供参考依据。
  【关键词】 都匀市;桔梗科; 资源普查
  【中图分类号】R281.4 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2021)22-0038-05
  Investigation and Analysis of Campanulaceae Plant Resources in Duyun
  WANG Chengfu LU Tingxiang LIU Chenggui ZHANG Linsu LIU Mingtao
  LONG Xianqi HU Zhiping WANG Chuanming*
  Qianan Medical College for Nationalities,Qiannan 558000,China
  Abstract:In order to find out the distribution and reserves of Campanulaceae plant resources in Duyun City, Guizhou Province. The members of the fourth national survey on chinese medica resources of sample plots in Duyun City, Guizhou Province conducted literature surveys of campanulaceae plants, field surveys, line surveys, specimen collection, medicinal materials collection, field interviews and specimen identification. The results showed that 9 species of Campanulaceae were found in 14 villages and specimens were collected. The community features are relatively complex and the associated plants are diverse. Through market and private surveys, it is found that the cultivation amount of Campanulaceae is almost zero, and the wild resources are gradually decreasing. This study discussed the distribution and development and utilization of local Campanulaceae plants, and provided references for the sustainable development of related economic crops of Campanulaceae in Duyun and the whole country.
  Keywords:Duyun City; Campanulaceae; Investigate
   桔梗科植物在市场上野生品种仍然占有较大比例 [4-5],历代本草对该科植物都有记载,其代表性药用植物有党参、桔梗、沙参、半边莲等。桔梗科(Campanuloideae)植物大多有乳汁,且含多种苷类成分,具有一定的临床疗效。如桔梗属的桔梗[Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.)A.DC.]含桔梗苷,具有宣肺,利咽,祛痰,排脓功效;沙参属的轮叶沙参(Adenophora tetraphylla (Thunb.)Fisch)和沙参(Adenophora stricta Miq.) 含沙参苷,具有养阴清肺,益胃生津,化痰,益气功效[6];党参属的党参(Codonopsis pilosula (Franch)Nannf.)、素花党参(C. pilosula var. modesta(Nannf)L. T. Shen) 及川党参(C. tangshen Oliv.)含党参苷,具有补脾益肺,养血生津的功效[7]。贵州沙参属植物很丰富,可以作为南沙参道地产区[8]。
