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来源:用户上传      作者:仇威富  章桂喜  林爱玲  樊敬文

  [摘要] 目的 建立标准化急诊创伤复苏单元,组建合格的创伤小组,发挥急诊创伤复苏平台在创伤中心建设中的作用。方法 借鉴国外及香港创伤中心急诊创伤复苏平台的建设经验,分阶段推动香港大学深圳医院急诊创伤复苏平台标准化建设及运行管理。结果 急诊创伤复苏平台硬件部分于2015年全部完成,创伤小组成员历经3年于2016年全部完成高级创伤生命支持课程培训,2018年正式成为创伤中心重要组成部分,严重创伤患者急诊救治逐年增加,死亡率明显降低。结论 急诊创伤复苏平台标准化的硬件建设及合格的创伤小组,是严重创伤患者早期救治的必要构成,可显著改善严重创伤患者的预后。
  [关键词] 创伤复苏平台;创伤复苏单元;创伤小组;创伤中心
  [中图分类号] R459.7 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)09-0160-04
  Construction and operation sharing of emergency trauma resuscitation platform
  QIU Weifu1 ZHANG Guixi2 LIN Ailing1 FAN Jingwen2
  1. Centre for Emergency and Trauma Care, the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen 518053, China; 2. Department of Traumatology and Trauma Centre, The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen 518053, China
  [Abstract] Objective To establish a standardized emergency trauma resuscitation unit, form a qualified trauma team, and give full play to the role of emergency trauma resuscitation platform in the construction of trauma center. Methods With reference to the construction experience of the emergency trauma resuscitation platform in trauma centers at abroad and in Hong Kong, the standardized construction and operation management of the emergency trauma resuscitation platform of the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital was promoted in phases. Results The construction of the hardware part of the emergency trauma resuscitation platform was finished in 2015, and all trauma team members completed a 3-year "Advanced Trauma Life Support" training course in 2016, and formally became an important part of the trauma center in 2018. After the successful construction of the emergency trauma resuscitation platform, the rate of emergency treatment for severe trauma patients increased year by year, and the mortality rate was significantly reduced. Conclusion The standardized hardware construction of the emergency trauma resuscitation platform and qualified trauma team are indispensable components for the early treatment of severe trauma patients, which can significantly improve the prognosis of severe trauma patients.
  [Key words] Trauma resuscitation platform; Trauma resuscitation unit; Trauma team; Trauma center
  伤规范化救治在欧美等发达国家已历经40多年的探索,且已形成比较合适的创伤救治体系,如美国的四级创伤中心,英国伦敦的1+N分级救治;在国内,也有北京大学创伤医学中心提倡的“以综合医院为核心的闭环式区域性创伤救治体系”[1]。各高级创伤中心均在急诊设有规范的创伤复苏平台,为危重多发伤患者的早期救治提供理想的诊疗方案。香港大学深圳医院急诊科于2013年底正式运行,之后率先在国内急诊创伤复苏单元设置卫星血库、悬吊可移动床旁X光机、床旁超声、保温设备等;组建标准化的多学科创伤救治小组,设定创伤小组启动标准,配置一键呼叫系统,小组成员均完成高级创伤生命支持(advanced trauma life support,ATLS)等创伤救治课程培训,形成国际标准的急诊创伤复苏平台,现报道如下。


