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来源:用户上传      作者:王媛媛  李儿  应慧敏  李惠莉 田芳

  [摘要] 目的 探建立糖尿病科新入职护士耳穴压豆学习曲线的建立,确定安全、准确掌握该技术所需的最少操作次数。方法 从2020年1―8月对6名新入职护士进行教学干预,包括讲座授课和模型模拟操作。授课内容包括耳穴压豆技术要点和具体操作方法。6名护士被安排到6张不同的操作区,每名护士共操作评估20次并记录每次操作评估结果,使用累积方法和曲线拟合构建学习曲线预测模型。结果 糖尿病科新入职护士耳穴压豆总正确率为80.8% (97/120),6名护士中4名的正确率为80.0% (16/20),另2名分别为75.0% (15/20)和90.0%(18/20),6名护士间正确率比较,差异无统计学意义(P=0.906)。50.0%(3/6)糖尿病科新入职护士个人学习曲线决策范围表明均未超过可接受失败率的10%,另外,50%(3/6) 新入职护士个人学习曲线显示,介于可接受失败率的10%和不可接受失败率的30%之间。总体学习曲线显示,糖尿病科新入职护士耳穴压豆正确率分别达到90.0%和95.0%的培训操作次数分别为12次和15次,经过20次培训操作后,耳穴压豆正确率可达到99.0%以上。结论 本研究采用的操作训练方法是一种有效、可行的培训方法。
  [关键词] 学习曲线;耳穴压豆;正确率;糖尿病科
  [中图分类号] R259 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)09-0156-04
  Establishment of the learning curve of ear pressing beans for newly recruited nurses in the diabetes department
  WANG Yuanyuan1 LI Er2 YING Huimin1 LI Huili2 TIAN Fang1
  1.Department of Endocrinology, Hangzhou Xixi Hospital, Hangzhou 310010, China;2.Department of Nephrology, Hangzhou Xixi Hospital, Hangzhou 310010, China
  [Abstract] Objective To explore the establishment of the learning curve of ear pressing beans for new nurses in the diabetes department, and to determine the minimum number of operations required to safely and accurately master the technique. Methods From January 2020 to August 2020, 6 newly recruited nurses received teaching intervention, including lectures and model simulation operations. The teaching content included the key points and specific operation methods of ear pressing beans. Six nurses were assigned to six different operating areas. Each nurse performed a total of 20 operational evaluations and recorded the results of each operation evaluation. The cumulative sum method and curve fitting were used to construct a learning curve prediction model. Results The total accuracy rate of ear pressing beans in newly recruited nurses in the diabetes department was 80.8%(97/120). The accuracy rate of 4 out of 6 nurses was 80.0% (16/20), and the other 2 were 75.0% (15/20) and 90.0% (18/20). There was no significant difference in the accuracy rate among the 6 nurses (P=0.906). 50.0%(3/6) of the newly recruited diabetic nurses' personal learning curve decision-making range showed that none of them exceeded the acceptable failure rate of 10.0%. The other 50.0% (3/6) of the newly recruited nurses' personal learning curve decision-making range showed that they were between an acceptable failure rate of 10% and an unacceptable failure rate of 30%. The overall learning curve showed that the accuracy rate of ear pressing beans for newly recruited nurses in the diabetes department reached 90% and 95%, respectively. The number of training operations was 12 and 15, respectively. After 20 training operations, the accuracy rate of ear pressing beans could reach more than 99.0%. Conclusion The operation training method used in this study is effective and feasible.


