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来源:用户上传      作者:冯荣华 陆肇曾 钟平 肖以钦

  摘 要 目的:分析颅内占位性病变(非垂体瘤)患者的眼部临床特征。方法:收集并分析2016年4―12月在复旦大学附属华山医院神经外科被诊断为颅内占位性病变(非垂体瘤)的一组患者资料。结果:共入组115例患者,颅内原发病以脑膜瘤最常见,其次是胶质瘤。有60例患者出现眼部异常,其中男性25例、女性35例,具体表现为:41例视野异常,28例视力下降,31例光学相干断层扫描检查结果异常,11例视盘水肿,8例视神经萎缩,3例眼球运动障碍。各位置的脑膜瘤均可引起患者视力下降、视野异常等,但数鞍区脑膜瘤引起的视功能障碍最常见。结论:本组颅内占位性病变患者以脑膜瘤最常见,其次是胶质瘤,他们的最常眼部主诉为视力下降,最常见的眼部异常为视野异常,以鞍区脑膜瘤引起的视功能障碍最常见。
  关键词 颅内占位性病变 视野 脑膜瘤 视盘水肿 视神经萎缩
  中图分类号:R771.3; R739.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)07-0003-04
  引用本文 冯荣华, 陆肇曾, 钟平, 等. 颅内占位性病变(非垂体瘤)患者的眼部临床特征分析[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(7): 3-6; 19.
  Ophthalmologic manifestations of patients with intracranial space-occupying lesion (except pituitary tumor)
  FENG Ronghua1, 2, LU Zhaozeng1, ZHONG Ping3, XIAO Yiqin1[1. Department of Ophthalmology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China; 2. Department of Ophthalmology, the Third Hospital of Shanxi Medical University (Shanxi Bethune Hospital), Taiyuan 030000, China; 3. Department of Neurosurgery, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China]
  ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the ophthalmologic manifestations of patients with intracranial space-occupying lesion (ISOL). Methods: The data from patients with ISOL in the Department of Neurosurgery, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University from April to December 2016 were collected and analyzed. Results: One hundred and fifteen patients were enrolled in the study, in which 60 patients had eye changes, including 25 males and 35 females. Meningioma was the most common primary intracranial disease, followed by glioma. Ophthalmic manifestations: 41 patients had abnormal visual field, 28 patients had decreased visual acuity, 31 patients had abnormal results of optical coherence tomography, 11 patients had optic disc edema, 8 patients had optic nerve atrophy, and 3 patients had ocular movement disorders. Meningiomas in all parts could cause eye changes such as vision loss and visual field defect, but the most common visual dysfunction in sellar area. Conclusion: Meningioma is the most common ISOL in this study, followed by glioma. The most common complaint was decreased vision. The most common ophthalmologic abnormality is abnormal visual field. The most common cause of visual dysfunction is sellar meningioma.
  KEy wORDS intracranial space-occupying lesion; visual field; meningioma; optic disc edema; optic nerve atrophy
  人的B腔主要由脑组织、脑脊液、脑血管及其管腔内的血液构成。所谓颅内占位性病变,是指颅腔内的一定空间被局灶性病变所占据,从而引起相应临床症状的一组疾病。由于病变的性质、位置和大小不同,颅内占位性病变的眼部临床表现并不一致,但可归纳为以下3类:①颅内占位性病变直接压迫导致的眼部症状。这些症状与病变位置密切相关,具有一定的病变定位意义。②颅内压增高(>200 mmH2O)的临床表现。其典型表现为三联征,即同时出现头痛、恶心/呕吐和视盘水肿。须指出的是,三者并不一定会同时出现,它们的严重程度也不相同。③同时具有颅内占位性病变引起的眼部症状和颅内压增高引起的眼部症状。此时,眼部临床表现同时具有视路传入性和传出性改变,有时难以明确引起眼部症状的原因。


