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来源:用户上传      作者:黄璐 刘波

  摘 要:结合奥林匹克运动的历史传统、发展需要和变革趋势,揭示奥林匹克运动发展路径存在的突出问题,基于《奥林匹克2020+5议程》政策文本,提炼总结奥林匹克运动改革的新路径,具体包括:增强奥运会的独特性和普遍性,与时代发展进程相适应;奥林匹克助力实现联合国可持续发展目标,彰显奥林匹克对全球发展的贡献与价值;强化运动员主体地位,夯实奥林匹克运动发展基础;打造奥林匹克运动标志性工程,修订新格言以强化奥林匹克团结核心价值观;通过善治改革助推国际奥委会自治权与公信力建设;增强奥运经济与金融韧性,释放奥运经济改革活力;开辟奥林匹克数字化战略,打开奥林匹克运动发展新局面。研究旨在为我国体育改革更好统筹国内国际两个大局做足理论准备。
  关 键 词:奥林匹克运动;国际奥委会;《奥林匹克2020+5议程》
  中图分类号:G811.111 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)03-0019-07
  Research on the new trends and new paths of reform for the Olympic games
  HUANG Lu1, 2,LIU Bo1
  (1.Division of Sports Science and Physical Education,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;
  2.Department of Physical Education,North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan 063210,China)
  Abstract: This paper is focused on revealing the prominent problems of the development path of the Olympic games according to the historical tradition, development requirement and transformation trends of the Olympic games, extracting and summarizing the reform path of the Olympic movement based on the policy text of "Olympic Agenda2020+5", specifically including: strengthening the uniqueness and universality of the Olympic Games to adapt to the development course of the times; Olympic games contribute to realize the sustainable development goals of United Nations, highlighting the contribution and values of Olympic games to global development; reinforcing the principal role of athletes, consolidating the foundation for the development of the Olympic games; establishing a landmark project for the Olympic games, reinforcing the core values of Olympic solidarity; promoting the autonomy and credibility of IOC through good governance reform; enhancing the economic and financial tenacity of Olympic games, releasing the vitality of the Olympic economic reform; developing digital strategies for Olympic games, and opening up a new pattern for the development of Olympic games. It is aimed to make thorough theoretical preparation for China’s sports reform to taking into account both domestic and international situations.
  Keywords: the Olympic games;the International Olympic Committee;"Olympic Agenda 2020+5"
  新型冠畈《痉窝祝COVID-19)疫情大流行无疑是21世纪初人类社会的大事件,对世界政治、经济与社会发展的潜在影响难以估量。后疫情时代重塑经济与社会发展成为世界各国面临的棘手问题和时代命题,作为全球化表征的奥林匹克运动难以避免,如东京奥运会被迫延期举办。如何确保奥运会的独特性和普遍性,如何尽快摆脱新冠危机的不利影响,是奥林匹克运动亟待解决的问题。为此,国际奥委会成立应对疫情特别工作组,广泛征询了各方改革建议,在国际奥委会第137次全会上通过了奥林匹克运动新战略路线图――《奥林匹克2020+5议程》(Olympic Agenda 2020+5),对于面向2025年的奥林匹克运动改革发展具有引领与指导意义。本研究紧密结合奥林匹克运动的历史传统、发展需要和变革趋势,揭示奥林匹克运动发展路径存在的突出问题,基于《奥林匹克2020+5议程》政策文本,力求把握奥林匹克运动改革新路径,为新发展阶段全面深化体育改革更好统筹国内国际两个大局做足理论准备。


