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来源:用户上传      作者:李澜

  摘 要:建立应用TSQ 9000三重四极杆气相色谱串联质谱法同时测定蔬菜、水果中50种农药残留的方法。对三重四极杆质谱检测参数进行优化。按照《食品安全国家标准 植物源性食品中208种农药及其代谢物残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用法》(GB 23200.113―2018)的方法,样品经乙腈提取后,离心,QuEChERS方法净化,采用气相色谱串联质谱仪检测,50种农药在线性范围内大部分呈现良好的线性关系,线性系数均大于0.99。仪器检出限0.010~0.001 mg/kg,定量限为0.010 mg/kg。方法验证试验结果表明,该类检测化合物的平均回收率68.6%~120.0%,相对标准偏差1.05%~12.97%,本试验方法操作简单,精确度高,适用于蔬菜、水果等农产品中多种农药残留的检测。
  Determination of 50 Pesticide Residues in Vegetable and Fruit Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
  LI Lan
  (Fujian Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Inspection and Testing Center, Fuzhou 350003, China)
  Abstract: A multiresidue analytical method for 50 pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits were established by TSQ 9000 triple quadrupole gas chromatography/triple mass spectrometry . Optimization of detection parameters for triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. According to the method of national standard GB 23200.113―2018. The samples were extracted with acetonitrile, centrifuged, and purified by QuEChERS and detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. Most of the 50 pesticides showed good linear relationship, and the linear coefficients were greater than 0.99. The limit of detection (LOD) of the instrument was
  0.010~0.001 mg/kg, and the limit of quantification (LOQ) was 0.010 mg/kg. The results of the method validation test show that the average recovery rate of this type of detected compounds is between 68.6%~120.0%, and the relative standard deviation (RSD) were between 1.05%~12.97%. Detection of various pesticide residues in agricultural products such as fruits.
  Keywords: gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry; pesticide residues; vegetable; fruit
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 仪器与试剂
  TSQ 9000三重四极杆气相色谱串联质谱联用仪,赛默飞公司(Thermo Scientific);离子源,EI(电子轰击)源;千分之一分析天平;高速匀浆机(转速≥15 000 r/min);离心机(转速≥4 200 r/min);捣碎机;旋转蒸发仪;氮吹仪,可控温;涡旋振荡器;乙腈;农药标准品为农业部有证标准物质(质量浓度均为100 μg/mL)。


