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来源:用户上传      作者:张晓英

  摘 要:现如今,在生活质量不断改善、经济发展水平不断提升的背景下,人们对于食品安全重视度逐渐提升,食品与农产品安全问题已经发展成为全社会关注的重点。加强食品与农产品质量监管是避免不合格食品流入市场、维护消费者合法权益的关键手段。但当前我国在食品和农产品检测中仍存在诸多问题,需要相关管理部门对问题加以深入分析,不断优化食品质量控制体系,保障人们的食品安全。本文从食品与农产品检测中质量控制的重要性入手,分析食品与农产品质量检测现状,并对出现问题的原因进行深入探究,提出针对性的优化策略,以期为提升食品与农产品质量控制水平提供资料参考。
  Research on the Optimization Strategy of Quality Control in Food and Agricultural Products Testing
  ZHANG Xiaoying
  (Rongcheng Inspection and Testing Center, Weihai 264300, China)
  Abstract: Nowadays, against the background of improving quality of life and rising level of economic development, people’s attention to food safety has gradually increased, and the safety of food and agricultural products has developed into a key concern of the whole society. Strengthening the quality supervision of food is the key means to avoid unqualified food into the market and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. However, there are still many problems in food and agricultural products testing in China that need to be solved, and the relevant management need to analyze the problems in depth, optimize the food quality control system, and guarantee the food safety of the public. This paper starts from the importance of quality control in food and agricultural products testing, analyzes the current situation of food and agricultural products quality testing, and conducts an in-depth investigation into the causes of the problems and puts forward targeted optimization strategies, in order to provide information reference for improving the level of food and agricultural products quality control.
  Keywords: food testing; agricultural products testing; quality control; optimization strategy
  1 食品与农产品质量检测现状
  1.1 食品与农产品检测体系不健全
  1.2 质量控制与检测内容有待完善


