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来源:用户上传      作者:方惟一 郝文渊 明盛龙 杨浩峰

  摘 要:目的:调查2021年乌鲁木齐市一起学校急性胃肠炎群体事件的波及范围,查明可疑危险因素、致病因子及污染来源,控制本次事件及预防今后类似情况发生。方法:按照病例定义开展病例搜索,进行个案调查。收集学校环境卫生情况、饮食和供水等信息。运用描述性流行病学方法对流行病学特征进行分析。采集病例和食堂员工、可疑食品、环境卫生等样本进行病原学检测。结果:病例33例,罹患率2.79%,共波及3个年级14个班级;病例均为学生,男生17名,女生16名,平均发病年龄17岁;临床表现以腹泻、腹痛为主;采集21份生物样本,其中1份肛拭子诺如病毒弱阳性和1份便标本检出变形杆菌;采集可疑食品样本4份,大肠菌群及菌落总数超标。结论:此事件为一起由食物受到污染引起的急性胃肠炎群体事件。
  Investigation and Analysis of a Group Event of Acute Gastroenteritis Caused by Food Contamination
  FANG Weiyi1, HAO Wenyuan1, MING Shenglong2, YANG Haofeng1*
  (1.Urumqi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Urumqi 830026, China;
  2.Urumqi Shuimogou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Urumqi 830000, China)
  Abstract: Objective: To investigate the spread scope of a school acute gastroenteritis case in urumqi city in 2021, identify suspected risk factors, pathogenic factors and pollution sources, control this case and prevent similar situations in the future. Method: Case search and case investigation were carried out according to case definition. Collect information on school sanitation, diet and water supply. Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemiological characteristics. Cases, canteen staff, suspected food and environmental hygiene samples were collected for pathogen detection. Result: There were 33 cases, with a incidence rate of 2.79%, affecting 14 classes of 3 grades. All the cases were students, including 17 boys and 16 girls, with an average age of onset of 17 years. The main clinical manifestations were diarrhea and abdominal pain. 21 biological samples were collected, of which one anal swab was weakly positive for norovirus and one stool specimen was found to be proteus. Four samples of suspicious food were collected, and the total number of coliform bacteria and colonies exceeded the standard. Conclusion: This case is a group event of acute gastroenteritis caused by food contamination.
  Keywords: food pollution; acute gastroenteritis; school; group
  1 调查对象与方法
  1.1 调查对象
  1.2 病例定义
  疑似病例:2021年5月31日―6月2日该校师生及员工出现发热(≥37. 2℃)和(或)腹泻并伴有腹痛、恶心、头痛、呕吐和乏力症状之一者。
  1.3 方法
  1.4 实验室检测


