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来源:用户上传      作者:张利 金艳新 周朋飞 马子龙

  摘 要 脑卒中后抑郁(post-stroke depression,PSD)是脑卒中患者最常见并发症之一,PSD的发生严重的影响了患者术后功能恢复、预后的效果及生活的质量。目前,针对PSD的研究和治疗已成为该领域的热点,然而,鉴于PSD发病机制的复杂性,其具体原因仍不明确。随着现代医疗的发展,人们开始越来越重视心理因素对疾病预后的重要性,心理干预治疗也在临床实践中得到更多的重视和应用。实践发现心理干预可以在一定程度上减缓PSD患者的不良情绪。本文综述了国内外对PSD心理干预的方法和效果,为进一步研究PSD心理干预提供理论依据。
  关键词 脑卒中后抑郁;心理干预;量表评定
  中图分类号:R473.74 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)14-0058-05
  引用文本 张利, 金艳新, 周朋飞, 等. 心理干预对脑卒中后抑郁的研究进展[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(14): 58-62.
  Research progress of psychological intervention of post-stroke depression
  ZHANG Li1, JIN Yanxin1, ZHOU Pengfei2, MA Zilong1(1. General Practice Department of Tinglin Community Health Service Center of Jinshan District, Shanghai 201505, China; 2. Department of General Surgery of Tinglin Hospital of Jinshan District, Shanghai 201505, China)
  ABSTRACT Post-stroke depression(PSD) is one of the common complications in stroke patients. The occurrence of PSD seriously affects the postoperative functional recovery, prognosis and quality of life of patients. At present, the research and treatment of PSD has become a hot point in this field, however, due to the complexity of the pathogenesis of PSD, the specific reason is still unclear. With the development of modern medical treatment, people began to pay more and more attention to the importance of psychological factors to the prognosis of the disease, psychological intervention therapy has also received more attention and application in clinical practice. Practice has found that psychological intervention can alleviate the bad mood of PSD patients to a certain extent. This paper summarizes the methods and effects of PSD psychological intervention at home and abroad to provide a theoretical basis for further study of PSD psychological intervention.
  KEY WORDS post-stroke depression; psychological intervention; scale evaluation
  X卒中后抑郁(post stroke depression,PSD)是脑卒中后最常见的并发症之一。有研究表明,至少有40%~50%的脑卒中患者在脑卒中后有抑郁症状;如果不及时采取预防措施,重症患者可能会产生轻生念头,严重时可能导致自杀等严重后果[1]。PSD的典型临床表现为睡眠障碍、思维缓慢、情绪低沉、精神运动迟缓、焦虑、语言减少等。轻度PSD患者主要以胃肠道功能减退、反应迟钝、乏力等全身症状为主,而中、重度的PSD患者主要症状为情绪低落、悲观厌世[2]。国外PSD的发病率约为20%~79%,但多数在30%~50%。我国的发病率约为25%~68%,其中脑卒中后7天内患重度抑郁率高达 13%[3-5]。有研究表明,脑卒中的预后与抑郁症的进展明确相关。PSD可能发生在卒中后的早期或恢复的后期(事件发生后9个月以上)[6],以老年人居多[7]。我国的中老年人患有脑卒中的总数超过1 300万人,且仍以每年约8.3%的速度快速增长[8],脑卒中后抑郁反应的发生往往非常隐蔽,加之某些患者由于并发语言障碍而不易被察觉。PSD的发展加剧了患者认知功能的损害,影响神经可塑性疾病的预后,导致患者社会功能和躯体机能恢复下降,病程迁延,最终增加脑卒中患者的致残率、复发率和病死率。近年来,国内外越来越多的研究表明,心理干预对于PSD的治疗至关重要[9-11]。本文综述了国内外关于PSD心理干预的效果和方法,为进一步研究PSD心理干预提供理论依据。
  1 PSD的筛查和评估


