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来源:用户上传      作者:钱宏威 郑琳

  摘 要 目的:^察妇女围生期抑郁症状发生的时间节点以及抑郁症状与雌二醇(estradiol,E2)的相关性。方法:纳入2019年1月―2020年12月建卡的怀孕妇女200名,在孕早期、孕晚期、产后1个月时评估其一般情况和情绪变化,观察E2在孕产妇不同时间段的波动及与爱丁堡孕产期抑郁自评量表(Edinburgh postnatal depression scale,EPDS)得分之间的关系。结果:发生在孕早期、孕晚期和产后1个月时的可能抑郁症人数分别为20例(10.0%)、43例(21.5%)和64例(32.0%),发生明确抑郁症人数在孕早期时有3例(1.5%)、孕晚期时7例(3.5%)、产后1个月时13例(6.5%),均随着时间逐渐增加。在孕早期时EPDS得分平均为(5.31±2.04)分、孕晚期时为(9.44±3.33)分、产后1个月时为(12.06±4.09)分,随着时间逐渐升高,产后1个月时最高。孕早期时E2值平均为(233.67±80.05)ng/L、孕晚期时为(1609.11±702.78)ng/L、产后1个月时为(109.22±40.33)ng/L,E2水平先升高后降低,在孕晚期达到最高峰。在孕早期、孕晚期时EPDS得分与E2水平不存在相关性,在产后1个月时两者呈正相关,相关系数为0.679(P<0.001),即围生期妇女的EPDS得分越高其E2水平越高。结论:妇女围生期抑郁症状发生的时间节点介于孕晚期与产后1个月之间,产后1个月时抑郁症状与E2水平存在中度正相关性。
  关键词 围生期;抑郁症;雌二醇
  中图分类号:R714.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)14-0018-03
  引用本文 钱宏威, 郑琳. 妇女围生期抑郁症与雌二醇水平关系的观察[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(14): 18-20, 36.
  Observation of relationship between perinatal depression and estradiol level in women
  QIAN Hongwei, ZHENG Lin
  (General Practice Department of Shihua Community Health Service Center of Jinshan District, Shanghai 201540, China)
  ABSTRACT Objective: To observe the time node of depressive symptoms in women during perinatal period, and the correlation between depressive symptoms and estradiol(E2). Methods: Two hundred pregnant women who established cards from January 2019 to December 2020 were included, the general condition and mood changes were assessed in the first trimester, third trimester, and 1 month postpartum, and to observe the fluctuation of E2 in different time periods of pregnant women and its relationship with Edinburgh postnatal depression scale(EPDS) score. Results: The numbers of possible depression occurred in the first trimester, third trimester, and 1 month postpartum were 20 cases(10.0%), 43 cases(21.5%) and 64 cases(32.0%), respectively, and the numbers of definite depression cases occurred in 3 cases(1.5%) in the first trimester, 7 cases(3.5%) in the third trimester, and 13 cases(6.5%) at 1 month postpartum, all of which gradually increased with time. The average score of EPDS in the first trimester was (5.31±2.04), in the third trimester was (9.44±3.33) and at 1 month postpartum was (12.06 ± 4.09), and gradually increased with time, the highest was at 1 month postpartum. The average E2 value was (233.67±80.05) ng/L in the first trimester,(1 609.11±702.78) ng/L in the third trimester, and (109.22±40.33) ng/L at 1 month postpartum. The level of E2 increased first and then decreased, and reached the peak in the third trimester of pregnancy. There was no correlation between EPDS score and E2 level in the first trimester, third trimester, there was a positive correlation between them at 1 month postpartum, and the correlation coefficient was 0.679(P<0.001), that is, the higher the EPDS score of perinatal women, the higher the E2 level. Conclusion: The time node of perinatal depressive symptoms in women is between the third trimester and one month postpartum, and there was a moderate positive correlation between depressive symptoms and E2 levels at 1 month postpartum.


