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来源:用户上传      作者:夏威 刘婉�h

  摘 要 目的:分析2021年上海新蛏缜学生视力和屈光普查的结果,为预防学生视力不良提供线索和依据。方法:采用普查方法对上海新桥社区的所有幼儿园、小学和初中的10 565名学生进行视力和屈光检查。其中男生5 625人(占52.2%),女生4 940人(占46.8%)。幼儿园阶段人数3 591人,小学阶段人数5 558人。初中阶段1 416人。结果:视力不良的检出率为35.4%,性别、学校性质和学习阶段是影响视力不良的因素。双眼参差的检出率为9.2%,学校性质和学习阶段是影响双眼参差的因素。戴镜率为35.4%,戴镜足矫率为51.3%,学校性质和学习阶段是影响足矫率的因素。屈光检查结果中,散光、远视、近视的检出率分别为29.9%、31.0%、33.0%,学习阶段是影响散光的因素,学校性质和学习阶段是影响远视的因素,近视的检出率受到性别、学校性质和学习阶段影响。结论:上海新桥社区学生视力情况不容乐观。视力问题随着年龄阶段的增长而越加严重。应预防关口前移,将预防的观念贯穿整个学习阶段。对于出现视力问题的儿童要注重及时、足量的矫治,防止视力问题进一步加重。对不同性质的学校应采取有针对性的预防策略。
  关键词 视力不良;屈光;幼儿园儿童;小学生;初中生
  中图分类号:R77 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)16-0046-05
  引用文本 夏威, 刘婉h. 2021年上海市新桥社区4~15岁学生视力及屈光不正筛查结果分析[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(16): 46-50.
  Analysis of screening results of vision and ametropia of the students aged 4-15 in Xinqiao Community, Shanghai in 2021
  XIA Wei, LIU Wanyue(Prevention and Health Care Department of Xinqiao Community Health Service Center of Songjiang District, Shanghai 201612, China)
  ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the vision and refractive examination results of the students in Xinqiao Community of Shanghai in 2021, and to provide clues and basis for preventing students’ poor vision. Methods: The visual acuity and refractive examination of 10 565 students in all kindergartens, primary schools and junior middle schools were examined by census method in Xinqiao Community, Shanghai. There were 5 625 boys(52.2%) and 4 940(46.8%) girls. There were 3 591 children in kindergartens, 5 558 pupils in the primary schools, 1 416 students in junior schools. Results: The prevalence of poor visual acuity was 35.4%, and gender, school nature and learning stage were the facts affecting poor vision. The detection rate of bilateral anisometropia was 9.2%, and school nature and learning stage were the factors affecting binocular disparity. The rate of wearing glasses was 35.4%, and the rate of foot correction was 51.3%. The school nature and learning stage were factors that affected the rate of foot correction. In the refraction examination results, the detection rates of astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia were 29.9%, 31.0%, and 33.0%, respectively. The learning stage was the influence factor of astigmatism, while the influence factors of hyperopia were school nature and learning stage. The detection rate of myopia was affected by gender, school nature and learning stage. Conclusion: The vision condition of students in Xinqiao Community is not optimistic. With the growth of age, the vision problems become more serious. The prevention threshold should be moved forward, the concept of prevention runs through the whole learning stage. For children with vision problems, attention should be paid to timely and adequate correction to prevent further exacerbation of vision problems. Targeted prevention strategies should be adopted for schools of different natures.


+0.5 D为远视,<-0.5 D为近视。近视程度分类:-0.75 ~ -3.00 D为轻度近视,-3.25 ~ -6.00 D为中度近视,<-6.00 D为高度近视[7]。正常的眼由于上下眼睑的经常水平压迫会存在轻度的散光,属于生理性散光(<0.50 D)。近年来包括我国在内的多国家、多中心大规模屈光不正流行病学散光相关研究中均采用0.75 D这一标准[8-12],本研究将散光0.75 D作为散光患病的评定标准。对于低龄儿童,非散瞳验光得到的结果是屈光不正筛查结果,不是确切的诊断结果,仅用于本次结果分析。
  1.3 统计学分析
  基于《上海市居民眼健康信息服务系统》,通过明眸系统服务端与电脑验光仪的对接,实现信息化采集检查结果。统计分析采用SPSS 17.0软件。计数资料用百分率(%)描述,比较采用χ2检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
  1.4 质量控制
  随机抽取5%的检查对象进行复测,裸眼和戴镜视力允许误差为±1行,等效球镜度数±0.50 D,只要其中一项不达标,即为检查不合格,本次共复查了533人,合格率为95.5%。
  2 结果
  2.1 视力不良情况分析
  在10 565名学生中检出视力不良3 743名,检出率为35.4;双眼参差976名,检出率为9.2%。女生的视力不良检出率高于男生;公办学校的视力不良检出率高于民办学校;视力不良率随着年级的增加而升高,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。男生和女生双眼参差检出率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);公办学校学生的双眼参差检出率高于民办学校,双眼参差检出率随着学习阶段的升高而上升(均P<0.001)。见表1。
  2.2 戴镜情况分析
  本次检查的戴镜人数为1 293,可配镜人数为3 743,戴镜率为34.5%,男生和女生的戴R率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);公办学校戴镜率高于民办学校;戴镜率随学习阶段的升高而上升,差异均有统计学意义(均 P<0.001)。戴镜学生足矫率为51.3%,男生和女生足矫率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);公办学校的足矫率高于民办学校,足矫率随学习阶段的升高而上升,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。见表2。
  2.3 屈光状态分析
  屈光检查中,散光、远视、近视的检出率分别为29.9%、31.0%、33.0%。不同性别和学校性质的散光检出率差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05),但随着学习阶段的升高而上升,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。不同性别远视检出率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);民办学校学生的远视检出率高于公办学校,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。女生的近视检出率高于男生;公办学校学生的近视检出率高于民办学校;随着学习阶段的增加近视检出率增加,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01);近视的程度检出分别为重度近视0.8%、中度近视6.1%、轻度近视26.0%,差异有统计学意义(P< 0.001)。见表3。


