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来源:用户上传      作者:杜雪松 刘超 王晓梦

  中图分类号:G822.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2021)11(c)-0000-00
  Abstract: With the promotion of national fitness, marathon events have gradually attracted people’s attention. The first marathon event in Hengshui was held from 2012 to 2021. It has been successfully held for nine years. In the process of the implementation of the marathon, The promotion effect achieved by the gradual improvement of the event is also more obvious. In the process of holding the marathon, Hengshui City established a platform for attracting investment on the basis of external publicity, which has brought impetus to the development of the city. It will be helpful to the construction of tourism infrastructure in Hengshui City, the local characteristic catering culture and the improvement of accommodation conditions. The event can help Hengshui to adjust the existing industrial structure, improve the original backward city management model, and pass the positive energy of the marathon to everyone. Based on the background of the normalization of the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, this article explains the significance of the Hengshui Lake International Marathon to the development of Hengshui, analyzes the impact of the new crown epidemic on the international and Hengshui Lake International Marathon, and proposes the sustainable development of the Hengshui Lake International Marathon Strategy.
  Key Words: Hengshui Lake; Marathon; Economic development;Impact
