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来源:用户上传      作者:苏文静 李卫宁 阮红群 姚雪涛

  中图分类号:F321 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1003-4374( 2021 )06-0054-05 Analysis on the Structure of Agricultural Industry in Hechi City Based on Shift-share Method
  Su Wen-jingl, Li Wei-ning2',Ruan Hong-qun3, Yao Xue-taol
  ( l.Guangxi Linsheng Forestry Planning and Design Co., Ltd., Nanning, Guangxi 530002.China:
  2. Nanning Branch, Guilin University of Technology, Nanning, Guangxi 53000l.China:
  3.Nanning Land Reclamation Center, Nanning, Guangxi 530002, China)Abstract: In order to promote the upgrading of agricultural industrial structure and improve thecompetitiveness of agricultural industry in Hechi City, the Shift -share Method was used toquantitatively analyze the agricultural industrial structure of Hechi City in 2009 and 2018. The resultsshowed that the performance in the agricultural industrial structure of Hechi City are as follows: theinternal structure of farming is unreasonable with weak competitiveness. The forestry industry structureis better with certain competition ability. The animal husbandry and fishery industry has certaincompetitiveness. but the intemal structure is irrational. The internal structure of agriculture, forestry,animal husbandry and fishery service industry has certain advantages, but the overall competitiveness isweak. The agricultural industry development of Hechi city is not balanced. but has much space to toimprove. In view of the issues existing in the agricultural industrial structure of Hechi City, this paperputs forward the suggestions for optimizing the agricultural industrial structure by emphasizingcharacteristics, highlighting advantages, stabilizing planting industry, optimizing ecological forestry,improving aquatic animal husbandry, and continuously improving the efficiency and competitiveness ofagricultural production.Keywords: agricultural industrial structure. Shift share Method, agricultural production efficiencycompetitiveness
  偏x一份额分析法( Shift-share Method,SSM)是一种在国内外区域经济和产业结构分析中被普遍使用的方法[1.2]。本文在广西农业产业大环境下,利用偏离一份额分析法对河池市2009年与2018年农业产业结构、产业竞争力状况等进行分析,找出具有相对优势的产业部门,旨在为进一步推进河池市农业产业结构升级、提高农业产业竞争力提供参考,对优化产业结构与促进区域经济发展具有重要意义。
  l 农业发展概况
  1.1 自然条件
  河池市地处广西西北边陲、云贵高原南麓,是桂西生态屏障的重要组成部分,介于东经106°34'DlO9°09'、北纬23°41'-25°37'之间,土地总面积335 .lx104hm2,属亚热带季风气候区。河池市山多地少,素有“八山一水一分田”之称,是广西石漠化面积最大、分布范围最广的地级市,石漠化土地面积72.3 x104hm2,占全市土地总面积的21.6%,占全广西石漠化面积的35%。


