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来源:用户上传      作者:万技

  关键词:新时期 互网联+ 大学生 体育活动 影响研究
  中图分类号:G80-05文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2022)04(b)-0000-00Research on the Influence of "Internet+" on College Students' Sports Activities
  (School of sports science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province,110034 China)
  Abstract: With the continuous progress and development of science and technology, the application of Internet is becoming more and more popular. Nowadays, Internet technology has been widely used in people's production, life, work and study. The Internet is not limited by time and space, and has the advantages of timeliness, effectiveness, comprehensiveness and inclusiveness. Using the Internet in college physical education teaching can effectively improve the efficiency of physical education knowledge learning, physical exercise and the utilization of high-tech sports equipment. Under the Internet plus internet background, universities should attach importance to the application of science and technology, strengthen the infiltration of Internet plus technology into PE teaching, innovate in teaching content, teaching form, teaching means, teaching mode, and use the Internet plus advantages to cultivate comprehensive quality sports talents. This paper aims to study the impact of Internet + on College Students' sports activities, explore the suggestions of College Students' sports activities under the background of Internet + and provide relevant experience for college students' sports teaching.
  Key Words: New period; Internet+; College student; Sports activities; Impact study


