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来源:用户上传      作者:何秦川

  中图分类号:G424文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdk.2022.06.031
  Reflections on the Teaching of "Fundamentals of Materials Science" Course under the Background of New Engineering
  HE Qinchuan
  (College of Materials and Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan 610059)
  Abstract Materials science and engineering is a key development discipline in countries around the world, and "Fundamentals of Materials Science" is the basic course for this major, which plays an extremely important role in the construction of students' professional knowledge structure. In the background of new engineering, the new requirements for the training of materials professionals are now proposed to actively respond to the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes. Therefore, in order to meet the development requirements in the context ofthe new engineering, in this paper, we have made some reform practices and reflections on the teaching mode, teaching contents and assessment methods of the subject "Fundamentals of Materials Science", which provides some references for the teaching reform of the course "Fundamentals of Materials Science" and the cultivation ofmaterials talents in the context ofnew engineering.
  Keywords new engineering; Materials Science and Foundation; pedagogical reflection; reform practices; teaching quality
  自2017年 2月以来,教育部积极加强新工科建设,明确探索形成新工科建设模式,培养主动适应新经济,新技术,新产业发展的多元化、创新型卓越工程人才。[1-2]


