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来源:用户上传      作者:朱建

  中图分类号:G641文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdk.2022.06.004
  Building a New National Defense Education System of Independent Colleges with Honor Education as the Starting Point
  ZHU Jian
  (Taizhou Institute of Science & Technology, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 225300)
  Abstract National defense strength is an important aspect of national military strength. Improve the national defense awareness of independent college students and build a new national defense education system of independent colleges. First of all, we should deeply understand the connotation of honor education. At present, in terms of honor education, honor experimental class, honor characteristic class and related honor education and plans are the main ways to develop honor education. However, the system construction ofHonor Education in independent colleges has not been completed, and since the national defense education of domestic colleges and universities has long been subordinate to the small course branch of Ideological and political courses, how to take honor education as the starting point, strengthen the national defense education of independent colleges, improve the collective sense of honor of students in independent colleges, and carry out national defense education in a multi-dimensional and three-dimensional way, shaping the new pattern of national defense education in independent colleges is the main problem facing national defense education at present.
  Keywords honor education; independent college; national defense education
  1 s誉教育的内涵剖析
  2 我国高校荣誉教育的发展历程
  2.1 我国荣誉教育的培养模式
  改革开放以后,随着国际交往的日益加深,顶尖人才的稀缺使我国在很多方面尚处在劣势,打破顶尖人才的轨迹垄断,探索我国独有的顶尖人才培养模式势在必行。1978年,中国科技大学率先建立了少年班,通过层层选拔,挑选出 30多名智力超群的青少年进行重点培养,走出了我国荣誉教育-顶尖人才培养的第一步。其后,国内多所大学如北京大学、浙江大学等12所重点高校均成立了少年班,此后经过数年发展,少年班培养模式初见成效,培养出一大批顶尖人才。[3]但是,由于教学内容、培养模式以及对青少年教育培养等方面缺乏深入的研究和分析,部分少年班过于注重科研成果,在一定程度上扼杀了“天才少年”的创造性,引来社会的批判。后来,大部分少年班被撤销,只有中国科技大学和西安交通大学保留了,少年班的培养模式探索还任重而道远。


