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来源:用户上传      作者:康凯丽 涂继红 余劲夫 王朴

  摘 要:为探讨武汉城市绿地土壤肥力质量,采集了武汉市公园绿地、附属绿地、道路绿地及区域绿地4种绿地类型,186份土壤样本,测定了土壤pH、电导率(EC)、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾等6项肥力指标,参照全国第二次土壤普查分级标准和绿化种植土壤标准,利用内梅罗指数法4种绿地类型的土壤肥力质量进行综合评价。结果表明:武汉市绿地土壤pH值在5.05~10.89之间,EC值在0.01~2.04 mS・cm-1之间,有机质平均含量为23.04 g・kg-1,碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾平均含量 分别为60.13,16.41 mg・kg-1;126.76 mg・kg-1;有机质和有效养分含量属中等或偏上水平;不同类型绿地肥力综合评价指数在0.66~2.06,排序为区域绿地>附属绿地>公园绿地>道路绿地,区域绿地、附属绿地土壤肥力评级为良,公园绿地评级为一般,道路绿地评级为差。综上,改善绿地土壤pH值及提升有机质含量仍是武汉市绿地土壤肥力质量提升的重要措施。
  中图分类号:S153.6 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2022.06.014
  Soil Quality Evaluation on Urban Green Land in Wuhan
  KANG Kaili, TU Jihong, YU Jingfu, WANG Pu
  (Wuhan Institute of Landscape Architecture, Hubei, Wuhan 430081, China)
  Abstract: In order to explore the soil fertility quality of urban green land in Wuhan, a total of 186 soil samples were collected from regional green land, affiliated green land, park green land and road green land in Wuhan, and six soil fertility indexes were measured. The soil fertility quality was evaluated by nemero index method referring to grading standard of the second national soil census and the planting soil standard. The results showed that the pH value of green soil in Wuhan ranged from 5.05 to 10.89, and the EC value was between 0.01 mS・cm-1 and 2.04 mS・cm-1. The average organic matter content of green soil was 23.04 g・kg-1, and the average contents of hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium were 60.13 mg・kg-1, 16.41 mg・kg-1 and 126.76 mg・kg-1, respectively. The contents of organic matter and available nutrients were medium or above. The comprehensive evaluation index of different types of green land fertility ranged from 0.66 to 2.06, and the order was regional green land > affiliated green land > park green land > road green land. The soil fertility rating of regional green land and affiliated green land was good, park green land was average, and road green land was poor.In conclusion, improving the pH value and increasing the organic matter content of the green land are still important measures to improve the soil fertility and quality of the urban green land in Wuhan.
  Key words: soil fertility; types of green land; nemero index method


