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来源:用户上传      作者:周春元 赵欣雅 周娟 冯晋芳 白鸿雁 姬翠英

  摘 要:通过对近红外法与湿化学法的比较,对湿化学法测定奶牛TMR日粮的营养成分过程中暴露的问题进行分析和总结,并矫正近红外法测定的结果,最终指导奶牛TMR日粮的配制。取3个养殖水平相近的不同牧场的前期、中期、后期、干奶期4个不同饲养阶段的奶牛TMR,采用2种方法对奶牛4个时期TMR的水分、干物质、粗灰分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、钙和磷9项营养指标进行检测,验证湿化学法和近红外法的相关性。结果表明:用湿化学法与近红外法测定的水分、干物质、粗灰分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、钙和磷绝大多数有显著差异(P<0.05),且水分、干物质、粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维呈强相关,灰分和磷呈弱相关,脂肪和钙相关性不稳定。对呈强相关的指标构建了相应的回归方程以校正近红外法测定的结果。结果提示,构建的回归方程可直接矫正FOSS多功能近红外分析仪(丹麦FOSS公司)。
  中图分类号:O657.33; S858.23 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2022.06.010
  Correlation Analysis of Near Infrared and Wet Chemical Methods for TMR Quality Detection of Dairy Cows at Different Feeding Stages
  ZHOU Chunyuan1, ZHAO Xinya2, ZHOU Juan1, FENG Jinfang1, BAI Hongyan1, JI Cuiying1
  (1. Tianjin Jialihe Feed Company Limited, Tianjin 301800, China; 2. Key Laboratory for Animal Breeding and Healthy Breeding, School of Animal Science and Zoology, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China)
  Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze and summarize the problems exposed in the process of wet chemical method determination of nutrients in dairy cows' TMR diet by comparing NIR method with wet chemical method, and correct the results obtained by NIR method, so as to finally guide the formulation of dairy cows' TMR diet. Dairy cows TMR were taken from three different pastures with similar breeding levels at four different feeding stages (early, middle, late, and dry milk stage). Four periods of cows stage of total mixed diet of MC, DM, CA, CP, CF, NDF, ADF, Ca and P and other 9 nutrition indicators respectively by wet chemical method and the near infrared method for testing and verify whether the wet chemical method and the near infrared method. The results showed that the MC, DM, CA, CP, CF, NDF, ADF, Ca and P measured by wet chemical method and near infrared method was significantly different(P<0.05). The correlation between MC, DM, CP, NDF and ADF was strong, the correlation between CA and P was weak, and the correlation between CF and Ca was unstable. Regression analysis was carried out and regression equation was constructed. Therefore, the established regression equation can directly correct the FOSS multifunctional near infrared analyzer (FOSS, Denmark).
  Key words: NIR; wet chemical method; TMR; correlation analysis; regression
  近年恚我国养牛业发展规模逐步扩大,对饲料的需求日益旺盛,为了提高奶牛的采食量和饲料转化率,使饲料配方更加科学高效,各大牧场和饲料加工企业对全混合日粮(total mixed ration, TMR)技术已经全面应用[1]。TMR可提高奶牛产奶量、奶牛采食量、奶牛繁殖率,降低奶牛疾病发生率[2]。只有准确地测定TMR的成分,才能保证满足奶牛各个时期的营养需求。但是,传统湿化学法不但会破坏样品内含有的常规养分,而且检测过程缓慢,方法复杂。因此,生产中饲料质量控制及其营养成分的快速分析显得越来越重要。近红外分析法(near infrared reflectance spectroscopy, NIRS)是一种间接分析技术,在操作过程中样品制备简单,不耗费化学药品,可及时指导奶牛TMR日粮的配制[3-5]。近红外分析法在我国的应用起步较晚,20世纪90年代才开始进行相关研究。在这个过程中,由于受到很多因素的影响,相关基础研究工作及数据库的建设与发达国家相比进展较慢,饲料常规成分的定标软件也没有及时推出,因此导致饲料常规成分分析工作效率较低,应用的难度较大[6]。Mentink等[7]应用近红外光谱技术很好地分析了奶牛 TMR 中粗蛋白质、中性洗涤纤维、淀粉(Starch)、NFC 及粗脂肪等成分含量。但鲜有文献报道用近红外法与湿化学法对奶牛不同饲喂阶段TMR 质量进行相关性分析。因此,本研究对湿化学法和近红外法进行营养分析的差异性比较和相关性分析,得出近红外法对奶牛各个时期TMR日粮的各个营养指标的回归方程。


