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来源:用户上传      作者:陈亚光 昝凯 王凤菊 郑丽敏 刘婷 徐淑霞

  摘 要:为了解黄淮海地区夏大豆产量性状之间的关系,以14个大豆品种为试验材料,对产量及相关农艺性状进行了丰产性、变异性、相关性和主成分分析,继而进行聚类分析。结果表明:‘安豆6223’平均产量最高;变异性分析结果显示,有效分支变异系数最大,达44.37%,百粒质量变异系数最小,为15.93%;产量和单株粒数,单株粒质量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与单株有效荚数呈显著正相关(P<0.05);将9个农艺性状降维成产3个主成分,分别为产量因子、株型因子和粒质量因子,累计贡献率为74.930%;把14个品种聚类分析为4个类群,其中第2类群平均产量最高。综上,黄淮海地区种质资源农艺性状有丰富的多样性,‘安豆6223’等大豆新品种适宜在此区域推广种植以及作为优质亲本使用。
  中图分类号:S565.1 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2022.06.004
  Comprehensive Analysis of Yield Related Characters of New Summer Soybean Cultivars in Huang-huai-hai Region
  CHEN Yaguang, ZAN Kai, WANG Fengju, ZHENG Limin, LIU Ting, XU Shuxia
  (Anyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Province High Quality Soybean Improvement Engineering Technology Research Center, Anyang, Henan 455000, China)
  Abstract:In order to understand the relationship between summer soybean yield traits in Huang-huai-hai region, 14 soybean cultivars were used as experimental materials to conduct yield analysis, variability analysis, correlation analysis and principal component analysis on yield and related agronomic traits, followed by cluster analysis. The results showed that the average yield of 'Andou 6223' was the highest. The variation coefficient of effective branch was the maximum(44.37%), while the variation coefficient of 100-seed weight was the minimum(15.93%). The yield was positively and very significantly correlated with the seed number per plant and yield per plant(P<0.01), and was significantly positively correlated with effective pods number per plant (P<0.05). Nine agronomic traits were reduced to three principal components, namely yield factor, plant type factor and grain weight factor, with the accumulative contribution rate as 74.930%. The 14 soybean cultivars were clustered into 4 groups, and the second group had the highest average yield. Inconclusion, the agronomic traits of germplasm resources in Huang-huai-hai region are rich in diversity, and new soybean cultivars such as 'Andou 6223' are suitable for planting in this region and used as high-quality parents.
  Key words: 'Andou 6223'; variability analysis; correlation analysis; factor analysis; cluster analysis
  我是世界上最大的大豆消耗国,现在每年需求超1亿t,但目前我国大豆产量较低,无法满足市场需求[1]。中国海关最新数据显示,2020年我国累计进口大豆10 033万t,对外依存度达84.8%。由于我国人多地少的国情,通过扩大面积增加大豆产量的空间有限,根据我国大豆振兴计划,提高大豆的单产和品质是缓解供需矛盾的主要途径之一[2-3]。


