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来源:用户上传      作者: 董玉 管群

  Data Computation and Data Storage in Cloud Computing
  DONG Yu , GUAN Qun
  (College of Computer Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China)
  Abstract: With the continuous growth of the network bandwidth, the conditions are more mature that access non-local computing servic? es through the network, so there is a technology what we call "cloud computing".The cloud computing is a new application model for de? centralized computing which can provide reliable, customized and maximum number of users with minimum resource.With the constantly expanding and deepening of the cloud computing applications, it asks for higher demand, therefore, many researchers also strive to improve the cloud computing performance. The article explains the basic concepts of cloud computing. and on this basis, it also introduced the technology of data computation and data storage, it has a detailed description to the multi-user isolation mechanism, and finally to predict the development of cloud computing and its future.
  Key words: cloud computing; data computation; data storage; isolation mechanism
  云计算[1]是I T基础设施的交付和使用模式,它指的是通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所需的资源(硬件、平台、软件)。提供资源的网络被称为“云”。“云”中的资源在使用者看来是可以无限扩展的,并且可以随时获取,按需使用,随时扩展,按使用付费。这种特性经常被称为像水电一样使用I T基础设施。近年来,云计算的研究和应用发展非常快,主要原因是云计算具有如下优点:超大规模、虚拟化、高可靠性、通用性、高可扩展性、按需服务、极其廉价、安全、方便。
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