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  Example 1:
  T:Which festival do you like best?
  S: My favourite festival has a kind old man. He will give presents to children. Every child loves him.
  T:Ok,your favourite festival is Christmas.
  Example 2:
  T: Which festival do you like best?
  S: My favourite festival has a kind old man. He will give presents to children. Every child loves him.
  T: Well,you mean an old man with white beards and have a large sock with presents in it?
  S:Yes. A large sock.
  T: We call him Santa Claus. And the festival is Christmas.
  S: Yes. Christmas.
  T: So your favourite festival is?Repeat it,please.
  S: My favourite festival is Christmas.
  T: Well done.
  编辑 孙玲娟