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  The Dark Knight 《蝙蝠侠6:暗夜骑士》
   Director: Christopher Nolan
   Release Date:July 18, 2008
  Actors: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal
  The words from actors 演员如是说
  Maggie Gyllenhaal:" There's lots of ways to see films these days―on your computer or your phone, but I think you really should see this in a movie theater."麦琪・吉伦哈尔说:“现在有很多看电影的方式,通过电脑或电话,但是我认为你真应该去电影院看这部电影。”
  Christian Bale:" We wanted not just make a great superhero movie, but a great movie period."克里斯蒂安・贝尔说:“我们不仅仅是在创作一部伟大的超级英雄的影片,而是一个伟大的电影时代。”
  Overview of Batman series回顾蝙蝠侠系列
  Director: Tim Burton 导演:蒂姆・伯顿
  Actors: Kim Basinger,Jack Nicholson主演:金・贝辛格、杰克・尼科尔森
  Release date: 19th June, 1989 上 映日期:1989年6月19日
   Memorable Quotes精彩对白:
   The Joker: Haven't you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?
   Grissom: Is that you, sugar bumps?
   [turns around to see a man]
   Grissom: Who the hell are you?
   Joker: It's me... Sugar bumps.
   Grissom: Jack? Oh... thank God you're alive! I heard you'd been...
   Joker: Fried? Is that what you heard? You set me up over a woman. A WOMAN! You must be insane.
   [Grissom goes for his gun]
   Joker: Don't bother.
   Grissom: Your life won't be worth spit!
   Joker: I've been dead once already. It's very
   liberating. Think of it as a... therapy.
   Grissom: Jack, listen. Maybe we can cut a deal.
   Joker: Jack? Jack is dead, my friend.
   [steps into the light]
   Joker: You can call me... Joker.
   [Grissom gapes]
   Joker: And as you can see, I'm a lot happier.
   [laughs, and then proceeds to kill Grissom]
  Batman Returns 《蝙蝠侠归来》
   Director: Tim Burton 导演:蒂姆・伯顿
   Starring:Michelle Pfeiffer,Danny DeVito主演:米歇尔・法伊弗、丹尼・迪维图
   Release date: 19th June, 1992上映日期:1992年6月19日
  Batman Forever《永远的蝙蝠侠》
   Director: Joel Schumacher 导 演:乔・舒马赫
   Starring: Drew Barrymore,Jim Carrey,Tommy Lee Jones主演:德鲁・巴里摩尔、吉姆・凯瑞、汤米・里・琼斯
   Release date: 16th June,1995 上映:1995年06月16日
  Batman And Robin 《蝙蝠侠与罗宾》
   Director: Joel Schumacher导演:乔尔・舒马赫
   Starring:Chris O'Donnell,Arnold Schwarze-
  negger,George Clooney主演:克里斯・奥东内尔、阿诺德・施瓦辛格、乔治・克卢尼
   幕后制作:时隔上一部电影两年,改编自著名漫画的电影《蝙蝠侠》系列再度登场,导演仍由乔・ 舒马克担任,但主角蝙蝠侠已更换至第三代――由名气暴涨的电视红星乔治・克鲁尼饰演,克鲁尼扮演的蝙蝠侠缺少了一点阴暗忧郁的气质。上集中克里斯・欧唐纳扮演的罗宾深受观众喜爱,因此本集中仍由他继续诠释,同时戏份也加重不少。乌玛・瑟曼饰演的毒藤女和阿诺・施瓦辛格的“冷冻人”不乏反角的魅力,但再加上青春玉女明星艾莉西亚・席维史东饰演的蝙蝠姑娘则成了一大败笔。本片是该系列中最失败的一部。
  Batman Begins 《蝙蝠侠(侠影之谜)》
   Director: Christopher Nolan 导 演: 克里斯托弗・诺兰
   Starring:Morgan Freeman,Gary Oldman,Ch-
  ristian Bale 主演:摩根・弗里曼、加里・奥德曼、克里斯蒂安・贝尔
  Release date:16th June, 2005上映日期: 2005年6月16日
   Memorable quote精彩对白:
   Ra's Al Ghul: You cannot lead these men unless you are prepared to do what is necessary to defeat evil.
   Bruce Wayne: And where would I be leading th-
  ese men?
   Henri Ducard: You traveled the world... Now you must journey inwards... to what you really fear... it's inside you... there is no turning back. Your parents' death was not your fault. Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely.Are you ready to begin?
  more than 甚、多于
  listens more than talks 多听少说
  more hair than wit 头发长,见识短
  Care corrode more than poison. 忧愁伤人烈于砒霜。
  having more than one valence
