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  Date of Birth:20 August 1983
  Place:Los Angeles, California, USA
  Height: 1.83 m
   "I'm just lucky to be there working on the same project as them, although I don't really expect to be recognized later by audiences," says Andrew Garfield, who stars in the Redford―helmed Lions for Lambs, an epic that examines what it means for a country to be at war, and why certain individuals choose to fight.
   由雷德福主演的电影《狮入羊口》讲的是战争对一个国家意味着什么,以及为什么有这样一些人要选择战争。在出演该电影之后,安德鲁・加菲尔德说: “在那里工作,和他们一起表演,我觉得很幸运,虽然我并没真的期望之后会得到观众的认可”。
   But recognition―at least from Blighty theater critics―hasn't been a problem for the Los Angeles-born Garfield. He was raised outside London, where he's spent most of his career. He was named outstanding newcomer at the 2006 Evening Standard Theater Awards for his West End stage work, and 2007 shared the London Theater Critics' Circle Most Promising Newcomer Award with his fellow Connie Fisher.
   "I've been really lucky," a modest Garfield explains. "Something artistic can just as easily go bad as it can go good, and I've been fortunate to work with great people in the theater." The actor admires Redford's career path and would like to stay on a similar course.
   “我真的很幸运,” 加菲尔德谦逊地解释到,“艺术的东西容易变好,也容易变坏,我很庆幸在剧院里可以和这么多伟大的人一起工作。”加菲尔德很敬佩雷德福的职业生涯,并希望能够有类似的经历。
  "I sort of have his voice in my head about how not to get seduced by money, status or superficial things," says Garfield. "I don't really want to do American Pie 7, and I see Bob as someone who was the heartthrob of his generation,movedaway from the place where people wanted to pigeonhole him and made interesting choices."
   As his career picks up momentum ― he'll co-star with Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman in The Other Boleyn Girl as well as British indie Boy A―Garfield said he wanted to avoid the kind of fame-seeking behavior taken in by some other young actors and focus on the work as the reward.
   "All I've ever aimed for is just to be allowed to express myself," says Garfield "And that people seem to enjoy seeing me do my work is more than I could hope for. I don't take it lightly."
   “我一直以来的目标就是想被允许表达自己,”加菲尔德说 。他表示,“人们似乎要比我想像的更乐于欣赏我的作品,我可不能掉以轻心。”
  Q:You originally hail from a successful background in the theatre. Will you be trying to balance that with film?
   Andrew Garfield: I hope so. That's the intention because I love the both. Theatre, there's nothing like it in my opinion. I've had three years doing solid, amazing plays with wonderful, wonderful writing and working with amazing people, so I don't ever want to lose that. I think it's one of the things that keep you grounded because it's so easy to fall flat on your face.
   Q. Where are you going to base yourself ? Do you fancy living in LA?
   Andrew Garfield: I'm wondering right now. I have no real base. I'm going to be in London until the end of November and then I'm going to Vancouver to do Terry's next movie.
