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  摘 要:《出师表》中文原文出自于《三国志?诸葛亮传》卷三十五,是三国时期蜀汉丞相诸葛亮在北伐中原之前给后主刘禅上书的表文,阐述了北伐的必要性以及对后主刘禅治国寄予的期望,本文希望通过对电视剧《虎啸龙吟》诸葛亮扮演者王洛勇朗诵英文版《出师表》的其汉译英文本的分析,对其中的汉译英问题做出总结,希望给学者们翻译汉译英是提供一些建议。
  Because they remember the late emperor, all of them, and they wish to repay his kindness in service to you.
  根据牛津词典对kindness的解释:The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate;A kind act. 即友善,慷慨和体贴的品质和行为,而“殊遇”更强调的是汉臣们受到刘备的待遇。
  如果因为kindness就“侍卫之臣不懈于内,忠志之士忘身于外”似乎有些不太合适。既然待遇不凡,那肯定是受到了极好的待遇。因此,“殊遇”可考虑改为boundless generosity或者excellent treatment
  This is the moment to extend your divine influence, to honor the memory of the late Emperor and strengthen the morale of your officers.
  根据汉语词典,“开张”是“开放;不闭塞”的意思,“开张圣听”是指让皇帝广泛地听取群臣的意见,这与extend your divine influence,即“擴展皇帝神圣的影响力”的意思大相径庭,考虑到译文是照顾到译入语读者的思维方式,但这样的翻译,仍然与原文的意思相差甚大。不妨改为open your divine mind to all kinds of advice
  汉语词典中对“志士”解释是指有远大志向和高尚节操的人,译为officer则失掉了这些意思。“恢弘”是发扬、扩大的意思,既然已经是“志士”,他们的morale也就不必再strengthen了,可改为encourage/carry forward ideals and integrity of your men
  It is not the time to listen to bad advice or close your ears to the suggestions of loyal men.
  “妄自菲薄”是指不知自重,轻视自身价值的意思,即undervalue yourself;improperly belittle oneself;unduly humble oneself,“引喻失义”指说话援引例证而有所不当,既improper allusion
  其含义都不是指listen to bad advice,可改为It is not the time to undervalue yourself or made improper allusions, which would block the path of great advice.
  The emperors of the Western Han chose their courtiers wisely, and their dynasty flourished. The emperors of the Eastern Han chose poorly, and they doomed the empire to ruin.
  “先汉”翻译为the Western Han、“后汉”翻译为the Eastern Han,这显然不通,若译为the Former Han,the Later Han,避开了语义处理。
  [1].李宗玲. 试析《出师表》的思想内涵[J]. 《淮北职业技术学院学报》,2011(10),第5期:110-111.